
Marenne and Tyaita?

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I'm having twin girls and I like the names Marenne and Tyaita. (Mah-ren) and (Tie-ay-tah). I don't have a husband or a boyfriend so i'm on my own with the names and I love those names but since i'm single, I don't have anybody really to tell me if the names suck or not. Please tell me if Marenne and Tyaita are wierd names, or if they're completely wierd.




  1. not what i would go for but if u like them then thats all that matters!

  2. OMG!  Tyaita is TERRIBLE. DO NOT DO that to the poor innocent child.

    Marrene is nice but not sure of the spelling

    Merin.. thats how most will pronounce it.

    Tyaita is too weird!

  3. The first one sounds alright, but like others said, Marina might be a better name. But Marenne isn't a bad name at all.

    The second one sound absolutely horrible. It sounds very wierd and nobody would be able to pronounce it. Frankly, that is the ugliest name I have ever heared. Please don't do that to the poor kid.

  4. Don't like them.

    I like Marina though. (Ma-ree-na)

    Second name is horrible. Nobody will be able to pronounce her name!

  5. I don't really like either...the second one reminds me of Toyota

  6. I would go with something like Taylon and Marianne.

    Or something like that

    But that is just my opinion

  7. I'm not a fan of either of them, but ultimately it's your call.

  8. I agree with the others who suggest you tweak the spelling a bit to better reflect how you want the names pronounced.

    Mayren and Tiatah might work.

  9. I don't particularly care for them, but it is your decision.  If you do go with them, since they are unusual,  I would spell them differently.  That way, they would be pronounced more like you intend. For example:  Maren and Tyata.

  10. Tyaita is terrible. Sorry. Marenne isn't that great either. They're way too weird, and your children won't enjoy having to spell/pronounce their names for everyone.

    Instead of Marenne, Marina is really cute.

  11. I like Maren.  It's simple, feminine and tailored.

    But IMHO, Tyaita is rather awkward and overly fussy when paired with the first name.  How about Tamsin?

  12. I actually like both of them... they're really different and cool, and I can suprisingly pronounce Tyaita quite well. How about Tyeta instead? (Tie-eh-tah.) I think the names go well together, and I know it's completely up to you. Also, if the names ARE weird, I must be weird, because I like them names, as well as you. :)
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