
Margaritos stratagy agaisnt cotto.?

by  |  earlier

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do u thinik margarito should use his height and reach advantage and fight from the outside and make cotto come in or should he fight inside .and put on the pressure.




  1. If i were margarito you have to think that Cotto would brawl and box, so as soon as you see him boxing you need to put the pressure on, bak him up constantly snap that jab out there and throw uppercuts and have him moving back.  If he was brawling if i were him i would hit him with uppercuts and body shots, or i would use my height and reach and land long right hands, but i dont see margarito doing that i see this fight being a brawl for however long it lasts, i cant wait till the 26th.

  2. Work that jab. He can use his height to snap that head back with a jab whenever Cotto tries to move in.

  3. Really good question. Personally I would try to use my height and reach and keep him at a distance. I would use the jab religiously! Double and even Triple jab. I think if Margo tries to pressure and slug with Cotto he gets hurt BAD. I think if he works behind the jab all fight like I said and can keep Cotto outside he has a very decent shot at winning the fight. I think Cotto will be looking to get inside to work the body as usual and cut Margo down. Should be a very good fight though. I cant wait.

  4. Margo could use his height and reach to win early ronds. Margo should use a long snapping jab. Winning early rounds would make Cotto fight desprate. Margo likes to turn it on late ronds. They are working on Cotto condicition because he gets winded in hard fights late. Margo needs to work at a distance, judge his rang and not throw looping wild punches Cotto could go under. Once Cotto gets winded, turn on the heat. Pressure Cotto late ronds. Personaly I dont think Margo can box. He's saids he know how but prefers to brawl. Margo has always brawl and will keep brawling. Cotto camp is looking foward for Margo to brawl. Margo should come out boxing, and supprise Cotto. Start brawling and turning up the heat late ronds. Show thim, " you was looking for the Tornado, you have it". Cotto is realy going to try to box. They trying to turn him into a boxer. Margo camps knows Cotto is going to try and box. Margo is talking about using his reach and hight. People forget, Cotto is not a complete boxer. He's showing different stuf and getting better with each fight. Cotto camp has to understand, Margo lost to tall fighter with reach. Cotto will use his jab but only has a 68 to 69 reach. Margo has a 74 reach but dont use it.

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