A factory owner who employes m workers finds that they produce
q=2.2 m(2.2 m+16^)3/2
units of product per day.
The total revenue r in dollars is
r = 531 q/ ((303405+5 q)^1/2)
(a) From the fact that
revenue = (price per unit)·(number of units)
it follows that, when there are 15 workers, the price per unit is ???dollars.
(b) When there are 15 workers, the marginal revenue is ???dollars/(one unit of product).
(c) The marginal-revenue product is defined as the rate of change of revenue with respect to the number of employees. Therefore
marginal−revenue product = ( dr) / (dm)
If q and r are given as above then, when m= 15, the marginal-revenue product is ??? dollars/(one worker). This means that if employee number 16 is hired, revenue will increase by approximately ??? dollars per day.