
Mariage at 30? muslim men honest opinions plz.thank u.

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PLease may u read the following and give ur honest opinion plz.

I was rased by a stricted father and I lived in a non-muslim area. I had a hard work at looking after my sick father. After he got better my dad moved to another country, got married and didn't help me get a husband. I have no mother or family to help. Now I have finished my studieds which I had to do late. I'm 30 and really want to get married. I have no muslim friends or family around me.

do you think this would put off a muslim man in marrying me at 30 or so years old? please be honest in ur answer thank u.




  1. I am not a guy, however I know of sisters who have married for the first time at your age and even older.  I assure you my dear all is not lost and 30 is not too old for you to marry.  In fact due to your circumstances it makes sense that you were not in a position to marry before this time.  I wish you the best and offer just this bit of advice:  Marry Mr. Right, not Mr. Right now.  Do not let people buzz in your ear that you have to accept the first proposal that comes along. It is your right to choose a good and decent Muslim man who will make you happy in every way.  Good luck :)

  2. well i'm a muslim and i live in a nonmuslim area in Uk... I dont think its never late late to get married.. islam doesnt say for u to get married.. it says u get married when u are ready.. so u were studying so I dont think its late.. so hey all the best.. and good luck.. and hey ur only 30.. i've far older people geting married... just ignor the backchats.. end of the its all backchats.. no one will ever say anything to ur face.. so why let that get to u

  3. In my opinion 30 is a good age to get married because by then the person is usually mature enough to really understand what married life means.  I got married the 2nd time at 45 and my husband is much younger than me so age doesn't really matter when it comes to love.

  4. Friend 51 is marrying man 37, both muslim - she is converting  never been married before. Bsaowraha   i sm sure you will ber fine. Many men in Morocco feel thet they are 'past it' at 30 if they have no education and no money. There are plenty of men - goos Muslim men, educated or not, financially stable or not - wanting to marry.

  5. I'm not a man but I know plenty of women who get married at 30 or even older.

    What's wrong with it? Obviously you won't be marrying a 24year old because you won't be mentally clicking anyway but I'm sure the right one will come along (inshallah)

    All the best.

  6. i agree with lila, go on a muslim marriage website.

  7. Not at all, age never matters, my aunt remarried at the age of 45 after her husband died.

    As long as some man is attracted to u, marriage is still possible.

  8. A woman who is 30 years old is not a deterrent for those who follow the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. There is no harm in marrying a sister who is 30 years of age, I don't see why it would "put off" any Muslim man.  

  9. here in the uk man will marry you till 40 and still slim and beautiful

    but not often if you have a child/ren

    you can find some good muslim in the mosk or muslim mariage website...

    good luck sister

  10. The Rasool(PBUH) married Kadija when she was 45!

    Age doesn't matter, but inshallah you find the right guy.

    here in the US, due to my culture, parents are getting thier daughters married as young as 16!!!!! I find that very sad.

    I thought things change and we're in the 21st century but people stay the same.

  11. Ain't nothing wrong with that. There's loads of Muslim guys out there who would want to marry you. Obviously you shouldn't date, but you know Birmingham Central Mosque where I live, they organise Muslim marriage events for people like yourself and basically for any Muslims looking to get married and looking for spouses in a halal environment. They hold the events in Birmingham and most of the major cities, such as Manchester, London. If you want, I can give you the details. Oh I'm assuming you live in UK that is..


    30 is a very good age for marriage nowadays.

  13. Well since dating is not allowed in Islam. Your screwed basically.

  14. It is not too late for you as far as your age is concerned. i believe that Allah has someone special waiting for you for all the good you did in giving up your youth for the sake of your father with a good attitude-you had to have one to go through this. i do not believe that Allah will allow your good deeds to go w/o his blessings. there is a man waiting for you somewhere it does not matter where you live or the circumstances. just have pray and have faith. Believe and thank positive. thirty years old is not too old. And don't give up hope! You seem very strong and self reliant just the things a agood Muslim man should be looking for in a muslimah!


    best wishes


  16. If you want a Muslim man to marry. Find one that is not jeolous or

    Possessive. Most of them are jeolous creatures. And, very insecure.

    Be Careful there.


  17. depending on what country you are in I'm in the uk and 30 is near the average age when muslims get married

  18. dont worry about you will get married inshallah,nowadayz people at the age of 90 are getting married from pakistan just for the sake of coming into the uk,80-90 years get married 2 young girls jst for a blooming british passport ,uve got nothing 2 worry about it! u will find the right one for you soon,inshallah

    tke care............

  19. no..ofcorse not..just think your 16 again

  20. No, your age just won't put off a Muslim man to marry you, rest assured.

    As a matter of fact, your father seems pervert and oblivioin of his religious duties towards his daughter. But as a daughter you hold no grudge against him and be good to him. You must be knowing, being a Muslim,  that you will be accountable for your deeds, and he will be accountable for his.

    God may get you a groom & keep you in peace!

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