
Mariah carey changed her name?

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I was listening to "Russ Parr" and i had heard that Mariah Carey had changed her name to " Mariah Cannon". Whoat do you think about this?





  2. Her mouth IS like a cannon.  Fitting.  

  3. well, they are married.

  4. Foolish move in response to a foolish marriage that surely will not withstand the test of time. I love Mariah but I think this whole marriage thing with Nick Cannon is high drama. She should take a hint from other women before her: Demi Moore, Whitney Houston, Jennifer Aniston...none of them changed their names when they married famous men. She should stick to being the diva that she is and make him change his name.

  5. On her music videos, its still Mariah Carey..

    and on her second myspace, its says Mariah Cannon;

    to me.. theres no point of her changing it, cause everyone knows its not going to last.

  6. I was wondering what took her so long.....I mean the name change should have came before the people magazine cover...

  7. Well she is married to her husband who's surname is Cannon, it's know big deal.

  8. She didn't really change her name it's because she got married to Nick Cannon.  What do I think about it...I could really care less lol

  9. I like Carey better, but it's her choice and she's still M.C.

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