
Marial arts what are.........?

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what are shaolin kung fu and tai chi kung fu negatives and positives




  1. Kung Fu means hard work.......

    Shaolin is the way the Shaolin work and Tai Chi is something they participate in. They will actually take it a step further and do Qigong. They are not negatives and/or positives. They are one in the same as in Qigong you must work hard to accomplish your goals.

    A Side Note..... You will learn how to fight with both arts, but I would put my money on the Tai Chi guy as opposed to the other as that one is now built more for show and continuation of the "old study".

  2. Shaolin Kung Fu is wayy cooler moves.

    Tai Chi is slowww

  3. Now you're digging deeper!

    Shaolin Kung Fu (Kung-Fu, the art of the hand) is the mother of all defense sports. It was developed by Chinese peasants who had to fight for survival against well armed state troopers while the law prohibited the citizenry to carry arms. In time, monks specialized the practice to elevate it to an art.

    As they were monks, they also built in their belief system into the art, making it both a discipline and a religion, which is why it was banned by the communist regime for more than 60 years.

    On the other hand, Tai Chi is the art of liberating the flow of inner strength, based on the fact that everyone is connected to the universe's "battery", and can tap into this "qi" at will. In "Star Wars", the Jedi refer to it as "The Force" and it's vectors are "midichlorans". Well, George Lucas had to get his inspiration from somewhere, didn't he?

    So, both are Kung-Fu, the art of weaponless self defense, from which all other martial arts developed, give or take the odd exception. (Karate was introduced to Japan by a Chinese shaolin master)

    The one is spiritual-religious, the other is practical-spiritual. Both require extreme commitment, discipline and year long training.

    Maybe you should also look at Aïkido, the art of deflecting the aggressor's attack back to himself. In this discipline, if someone attacks an adept master with enough violence to kill, chances are his own attack will kill him.

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