
Marijuana Health Concerns!!!!?

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I am only 15, smoke every 3 days or so, am on zoloft for anxiety and depression, and always get paranoid that there are people from my school outside watching me, even I tell myself this is ridiculous but always seem to trick myself that its true, and get into a weird mindset. Anyway, what I have read scares me about weed and schizophrenia. I have had psychotic episodes before where I think people are watching every little thing I do, etc. and almost get into an acting mindset like Im starring in a movie ( all of what I have mentioned is when I am sober). Anyway, even though no schizophrenia runs in my family, I am afraid that I can get it from smoking weed. Sometimes I also get real paranoid when i am high as well. Please help me, will I get even mroe crazy?


Please clarify this for me, should I be worried and stop smoking?




  1. no...dude your getting jedi mind gotta use the force and kill  schizophrenia with your half light saber half tommy gun and 3/4


  2. well obviously if you havnt had ths whole thing before then you should probably quit one of my frends smokes and wen he started smoking he was really bad to be around he got boring and slower so maybe thats leading to your depression too you ncould  get even more crazy and you should stop please do wat if your parents find out i no that would suck  

  3. Marijuana can cause paranoia. You should be worried and you need to stop smoking. A lot of your depression probably comes from your marijuana smoking, since it throws the chemical balance in your brain out of wack. I used to smoke marijuana and do lots of other drugs too. I was also being treated for depression. Once i stopped smoking my depression seemed to disappear. I have been clean for 2 and a half years. I relapsed on marijuana once and it made me very paranoid, guilty, my heart rate speed up, and i started to have a panic attack. All i wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry. I can not stand the way that being high makes me feel anymore. So... your best bet is to just stop smoking marijuana you really aren't benefiting from it in anyway anyways. Good luck if you choose to stay sober.

  4. Stop Smokin and your issue is gone

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