
Marijuana Safety Question?

by Guest62278  |  earlier

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Is smoking marijuana once every two to three days at 15 too much and dangerous, especially if this teen has anxiety and depression but is only smoking to have a good time, NOT relive these symptoms?

Thanks (my son revealed to me these details)




  1. in some rare cases, like my husbands, it can kill the reproduction system, so if you want grandkids,like we wanted kids,  i think you should get him to kick the habit,  

  2. Not really. I mean technically pot is bad for you but it doesn't have any terrible side effects and he's not gonna OD or anything.

  3. Pot usually makes anxiety worse, and like the first poster said, if he can handle it it's probably not too bad.

    And it's hard to have anxiety and depression and use substances recreationally.  Not unheard of, but not likely either.  Be careful.

  4. Absolutely not. It is safer than cigarettes and alcohol. AND it is less addicting than chocolate.

    Marijuana myths and facts:

    Why it's really illegal:


  5. Smoking marijuana is not dangerous unless they somehow make it dangerous. As long as they aren't going out and harming themselves and or others, they should be fine.

    Smoking once every two or three days is a good amount. I know people that smoke all day everyday, and that, to me is excessive.

    The anxiety and depression you speak of shouldn't matter when smoking pot. It won't really change anything... except he'll probably forget about his problems for awhile.

  6. Not dangerous just expensive.

    If he can handle it, maybe his anxiety isn't as bad as you've thought.

  7. im a 17yr old drug addict, and i would absolutely not allow it.

    it only leads to other drugs. he loves the high obviously and it will only make u more curious to try other drugs.

    i struggled w/ depression and anxiety...and when i was 14 i started smokin pot to have fun 2 but when u come off of it ur irritable ur even more anxious than b4 and you just wanna get high again and again

    but pot does kill brain cells but yes,it is i would say the safest drug...but it is a ill-legal drug and its psychologically addictive and is a HUGE gateway drug and tho the drug is somewhat safe although dealers sometimes lace PCP in it which is a dangerous hallucinogen...

    Bottom line: no drug is safe.

    and besides what about all the things you do when u r high?

    are those things safe?

    how he gets the drug? is that safe?

    cause if its somewhat safe me it wont be further down the road...if he is doing pot now and continues it can only get worse    

  8. I started at 16 (every day for 4 months) and I don't have health problems or mental health problems, I was even on the A honor roll,

    I think that it is victimless crime, If I had to put a warning label on a package it would say "may cause drowsiness"

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