
Marijuana -legal?

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should the common herb marijuana be legalized?

its just a herb that doesn't really effect the body in a negative way except for make you a bit slower for a few hours

the feeling is great and not bodily harming

plus if the government legalized it, they could tax it and make a huge profit for our country.

legal or not?

i want your opinions




  1. maybe marijuana does not do too much harm, but it is a gateway drug that can lead to far worse addictions. I have known too many people that this has happened to.

    EDIT: honestly, i havent given much thought to this issue so i am not well educated on the pros that could come from legalizing marijuana, i know it is a gateway drug, but i also know that it is already legal in some countries and it has not made much of a difference, so who knows maybe it is not such a bad idea.

  2. who cares it doesnt matter if its legal people are still going to smoke it anyway

  3. Here's the Facts


    TOBACCO ........................ 400,000

    ALCOHOL ........................ 100,000

    ALL LEGAL DRUGS ................ 20,000

    ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS .............. 15,000

    CAFFEINE ....................... 2,000

    ASPIRIN ........................ 500

    MARIJUANA ...................... 0

    Myth: Today's marijuana is more potent and more harmful than it was many years ago.

    Fact: There is no medical evidence that shows high-potency marijuana is more harmful than low-potency marijuana. Marijuana is literally one of the least toxic substances known. High-potency marijuana is actually preferable because less is of it consumed to obtain the desired effect; thereby reducing the amount of smoke that enters the lungs and lowering the risk of any respiratory health hazards. Claiming that high-potency marijuana is more harmful than low-potency marijuana is like claiming wine is more harmful than beer.

    Myth: Smoking marijuana can cause cancer and serious lung damage.

    Fact: There chance of contracting cancer from smoking marijuana is minuscule. Tobacco smokers typically smoke 20+ cigarettes every day for decades, but virtually nobody smokes marijuana in the quantity and frequency required to cause cancer. A 1997 UCLA study (see page 9) concluded that even prolonged and heavy marijuana smoking causes no serious lung damage. Cancer risks from common foods (meat, salt, dairy products) far exceed any cancer risk posed by smoking marijuana. Respiratory health hazards and cancer risks can be totally eliminated by ingesting marijuana in baked foods.

    Myth: Marijuana contains over 400 chemicals, thus proving that marijuana is dangerous.

    Fact: Coffee contains 1,500 chemicals. Rat poison contains only 30 chemicals. Many vegetables contain cancer-causing chemicals. There is no correlation between the number of chemicals a substance contains and its toxicity. Prohibitionists often cite this misleading statistic to make marijuana appear dangerous.

    Myth: Marijuana is a gateway drug--it leads to harder drugs.

    Fact: The U.S. government's own statistics show that over 75 percent of all Americans who use marijuana never use harder drugs. The gateway-drug theory is derived by using blatantly-flawed logic. Using such blatantly-flawed logic, alcohol should be considered the gateway drug because most cocaine and heroin addicts began their drug use with beer or wine--not marijuana.

    Myth: Marijuana is addicting.

    Fact: Marijuana is not physically addicting. Medical studies rank marijuana as less habit forming than caffeine. The legal drugs of tobacco (nicotine) and alcohol can be as addicting as heroin or cocaine, but marijuana is one of the least habit forming substances known.

    Myth: Marijuana use impairs learning ability.

    Fact: A 1996 U.S. government study claims that heavy marijuana use may impair learning ability. The key words are heavy use and may. This claim is based on studying people who use marijuana daily--a sample that represents less than 1 percent of all marijuana users. This study concluded: 1) Learning impairments cited were subtle, minimal, and may be temporary. In other words, there is little evidence that such learning impairments even exist. 2) Long-term memory was not affected by heavy marijuana use. 3) Casual marijuana users showed no signs of impaired learning. 4) Heavy alcohol use was cited as being more detrimental to the thought and learning process than heavy marijuana use.

    Myth: Marijuana is a significant cause of emergency room admissions.

    Fact: The U.S. government reports that marijuana-related emergency room episodes are increasing. The government counts an emergency room admission as a marijuana-related episode if the word marijuana appears anywhere in the medical record. If a patient tests positive for marijuana because he/she used marijuana several days before the incident occurred, if a drunk driver admits he/she also smoked some marijuana, or if anyone involved in the incident merely possessed marijuana, the government counts the emergency room admission as a "marijuana-related episode." Less than 0.2% of all emergency room admissions are "marijuana related." This so-called marijuana-causes-emergencies statistic was carefully crafted by the government to make marijuana appear dangerous.

  4. yes,it should!!!

  5. Decriminilized Definately


  7. Marijuana being a gateway drug is one of, if not the dumbest reason for keeping marijuana illegal. And it's really the only sensical one in use nowadays.

    What about tobacco, or alcohol, or caffeine? Or prescription drugs? If anything marijuana is a gateway drug to other mind expanding substances.

    It hasn't killed anyone in the last 10,000 years of use and it serves thousands of medicinal properties, which is probably one of the main reasons why it is staying illegal. The pharmaceutical companies would takea  major hit from the decrease in use of synthetic drugs if marijuana was legalized.

  8. oh xxxx , i can t hear it any longer....

    marijuana was used in many cultures as a pleasant and as medicine..... . somewhen people in some countries banned it out of the society. i don t exactly know why, you will have to ask. :-)

    facts are : if there are hempfields there are lot s of tiny flies over the hempfields....... . that is what i know for sure. i can t exactly say if there are that many flies over other "fruitfields", because i didn t care....... .

    they worry about the brains - your mental health - your hormone levels will be lower if you smoke marijuana (testosterone - /source ähm i dont remember/. this might have some effects on your body). facts are that some varieties cause a very strange high - you will not notice but it s active.

    if you smoke lots of m then you will not become high anymore or only for a few minutes..... . m can be used to ase you and at  the moment you aren t even able to say if it was m or something else, you will need lots of paper if you constantly smoke m because you will not be able to remember exactly after a few months.... or after 10 seconds. your sexdrive will increase and your o will become more intense - rumors are that too much s*x is not very healthy...... . so some other stories seem to prove that marijuana causes braindamages and users become stupid. it will defnitly cause more accidents especially for long term users. the usa is a leading country concerning medical knowledge, but you don t have a good social system as far as i know and heard. i do not think that every american knows all mistakes him did so far in his life. That s the problem because marijuana will not show you your mistakes - just vice versa you will not be able to find your mistakes as long as you are really stoned - . so - either it is you or the marijuana. why should you smoke marijuana instead of removing the causes of your pain or problems.

    But don t worry neither the dutch nor the germans despite of their social systems are able to take care of their people in the necessary way.

    sometimes it will help you to do your job sometimes it will help you to find sleep and be lazy sometimes it will make you more patient than you should be and sometimes in combination with some other things it will make you a bit agressive. it can make you very nervous it can make you very silent and it can make you very silent and you body very nervous.

    you might get u a very nervous enteric and you might loose weight your immune system will be pressed down and that all in combination can cause bad side effects.

    food might be uneateable sometimes and so on some visons some problems you would never complain about and lots of other problems which seem not very important anymore.

    rember all the idiots around you! but sometimes even they might be away ;-)

    you will have to plan your life - and that s communism.

    no west german school teaches their children how to plan their lives, only their firms.

    anyway you will have to grow it and allways if you are growing something you will get trouble with insects and pests..... the resin glands will be full of the chemicals or it will cause problems with the other fields....... . thats a important point...... . but the whole world is on a bio trip at present.

    remember all docs will keep their patients in the most possible ill states, because it is good for their (docs) money.

    a state allways tries to produce "speedy" inhabitants.

    if you reach the point where you have to search your car keys 3 times a day then you maybe will understand one side effect. but on the other hand it is able to give you the ability to search and find them. it is also possible that it will not allow you to forget where your car keys are believe me that........

    and it is absolutely able to force you to remember where your car keys are ...... but it is not going to tell you where your car keys are when you stopped.... .

    you don t believe me then go to the next pharmacy and ask for the chemicals which can be "overwritten"  by marijuana.

    don t forget to ask before you start with marijuana.

    no antibiotic substance is healty in long term use.

    but garlic is also an antibiotic.......

    on a farm you should be able to smoke it for a few years, but don t mix anything up and don t forget anything.

    tests in the netherlands have shown that the effects of marijuana on driving a car aren t that bad. not as harmfull as alkohol. but not if you are going to eat it then it will kick you out and it is that kind of harmfull:

    four non halluziongenic stages:


    oh my god i m high - 45 minutes after oh my good is this bitter.......... .


    next step this it not going to become better, oh my god i m so high since a few hours.


    next step oh i can t follow the film on tv or is that boring....

    and last step oh there s a tv with something on the screen short before you are not able to fix the tv with your eyes anymore............. .


    next morning oh my god i m sill stoned and 24 hours later everything  seems ok again.

    after a few weeks you will not be able to remember if you mixed something up from the póint of eating it until the point  when you came down again.

    But is it really important if you might have been able to remember if you mixed something up if somebody would had asked sooner?

    never forget this if you are used to it because this won t be very good for your guests - i think this can last up to 48 hours if they don t have to vomit. maybe that s the worsest problem in comparison with alkohol. you only need some gramm.

    excuse my bad englisch


    your heart - it is not very good for your heart.

    a other possible side effect : your eyes if it decreases the pressure in your eyes then this might become a problem.

    you might show some allergic reactions.

    your sleep is not as deep as not stoned as far as i remember.

    and your magazines mentioned that you have to use vitamin c and some suger if you use marijuana. (something with the serotonin and the hormons.......)

    your lungs get damaged.... .

    i think the biggest problem is that nobody will take you for serious if you re stoned. and sometimes they might be right.

    but on the other hand the only important thing is dollars.

    "you better should take care of your brain......... yes but the docs are not interested?"!

    some other facts it seems to be good when you have a stroke.

    it s easy to grow.

    it produces lots of fiber.

    it will be bad for cotton farmers.

    and one of my horror trips is 200 million stoned americans.

    a joke? this is nothing for americans they will all die because of a salt intoxication because your salt water candys are great

    why not, maybe it is too hot in the usa. - same effects as xtc......?!

    oh some mean it is good for the skin

  9. Obviously it should be legalized.  This would not only eliminate a good deal of "unorganized crime," it would also keep us from paying to keep non-criminals in jail.  Over one quarter of the inmates in Texas prisons are incarcerated for marijuana related crimes.

    A Harvard study determined that:

    Legalizing marijuana would save $7.7 billion per year in

    government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition.

    The report also estimates that marijuana legalization would yield tax revenue of $2.4 billion annually if marijuana were taxed like all other goods and $6.2 billion annually if

    marijuana were taxed at rates comparable to those on alcohol and tobacco.

    Any law that makes criminals of a quarter of the population is likely to be a bad law.

    People drink and drive and kill people.  

    People smoke marijuana, and couch, fondle the remote control, and eat Cheetoes.

    But then how to justify the enormous expense of building a pointless, racist, environmentally destructive pork-filled wall between the U.S. and Mexico?

  10. Yes, legalize it. the ONLY way it could be considered a gateway drug is because IT IS illegal, and when you buy from a dealer, odds are he has supply of harder drugs, and that puts you in a situation where you're already breaking the law, so what's it gonna hurt to try something else?  If it was legal it wouldn't be a problem.

    Pro's for pot.

    like you said, tax it and make profits.

    It's not addicting (it's a fact, accept it)

    Helps with pain.

    And it'll even make it harder for kids to get. (drug dealers don't check i.d.s)

    (yes i realize kids will still get it, but it will be harder)

    And no more worries about getting a shady sack haha.

    We could even supply second chances and jobs to the people who have been arrested for growing pot. (hey if it's legal pot farmers are going to be in high demand) (pun might have been intended)
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