
Marijuana... legalise or keep illegal and why?

by  |  earlier

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just wanted to hear your opinion and why you feel that way.




  1. Legalize it. I don't need the government to protect me, from myself!

  2. Its already legal where I'm at, well not really, but just about anybody can get a prescription here in LA. And I happen to smoke, but not so much lately.

    I, as a smoker, can tell you that I really don't give a flying f*ck if its legalized or not, because I already get my weed whenever I want to, and I couldn't care less on what others think, or do to make it illegal.

  3. LEGALIZE IT!!!! why?? cuz it makes you feel good & im smokin it right now!!!!

  4. ummm, I don't think it should be would become really expensive and that would suck. I've been smoking illegally for 4 years and I'm fine with that. I guess it would be better if it was though....

  5.   Legalize it.

    It will change the world.I don't know how but it will.

  6. Legalise; its helps people in so many ways, and that's good right?

  7. legalise so many people do it and its not that bad for your body

  8. it shouldnt be illegal. but as soon as it were to get legalized, the government would start taxing it, and it could get more expensive,

  9. illegal

    if your pulled over drunk you can be breathalyzed to see if your currently intoxicated

    theres really not a way to prove your currently high on marijuana

  10. LEGALISE!!!!!!!

  11. i dont see anything wrong with should be legal

  12. Legalise every one dose it any way

  13. Legalize. Alcohol is much more dangerous. I promise.

    If someone were to drink while another smokes for the same time period, the alcohol one would die first, guarnteed. The marijuana one would smoke himself sober(that sucks)

  14. keep illegal..

  15. keep it illegal... theres enough druggos in this world already

  16. legalise!

  17. legalize , no point in keeping it a crime , its not harmfull , its a great help for releasing stress and it sure would cut down on courts having to waste time on ppl just cause they had a little weed on them , stop being thickheaded politicians and change it to legalize it  

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