
Marijuana - "coming home" (?) experience and/or effect?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not here to get a lecture about how "marijuana kills brain cells and makes you sell your children", for this is obviously not true. I am, however, here to ask about a certain effect... This effect is quite hard to explain and is the most unique I have experienced. Here's why it is unique...

I've experienced it as a child and have done so quite a few times (while sober, of course).

It feels as though I am "coming home" (a term I've once heard used to describe an effect of Psilocybin). LSD users may have experienced it as well (at lower doses). What I believe this to be is experiencing stimuli for the first time AGAIN. The closest thing I've ever experienced similar to this is an o****m, but it is VERY different. This effect is much more happy and makes one feel as though you're running through the forest or a field as a child again.

Can anyone explain what this is and is there a proper term for it?

Many thanks!




  1. i would have to say.........experience.........somewhat like the things are going right feeling

  2. It is well documented that many cannabis users experience "euphoria."  This can be defined as an intense feeling of happiness, confidence and well being.  It usually occurs soon after use and is probably related to the release of dopamine (as stimulated by THC).  I suspect this is what you are experiencing.  And it makes sense to relate it back to childhood, when we are all discovering the world and have such experiences more frequently than we do as adults.

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