
Marijuana vs Alchohol?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there, I would just like to say that I have been high and drunk, and I'm in a debate with my friend over which is better/less hassle to use.



-Coherence: You function better while drunk then high

-Law: Alcohol is legal to purchase, own and consume, provided you're 18, 21 in the States(but you guys already know that :D)

-You can carry liqour(unopened) around in the street with you.


-Overdose: you can die from drinking too much.

-Hangover: That throbbing headache, nausea and possible vomiting

- Car Wreck: It impairs you more while driving, how often do you hear about someone dying in a car crash while high on weed?



-Concealment: It's easy to hide a joint or pipe in your pocket

-Money: It's less expensive to get high than drunk


-Smell: While you just have to chew some gum to get rid of the booze stench, you have to spray down, chew gum, and shower to hide the herb smell.

Sore Throat: Self Explanatory




  1. well i am a loyal smoker so id have to say weed is better its a better buz its easy to hide you can get rid of the smell with a cigerette or ozium you cant die from it , its not addictive and well if your throat hurts you need to smoke out of a better piece or you just need to take a smaller hit

    ps i don't what kind of weed your smoking but its cheaper to get drunk than to get high

  2. Its alcohol for me. I have a much better time on booze.

  3. Urgh I hate smoking weed, it makes me feel sick. Hash cookies on the other hand are fantastic. However I can have a bit of a hard time getting my hands on hash oil and it's more expensive than regular weed I've found.

    So I favour alcohol. I'm not constantly paranoid about being arrested or something and no one judges you for drinking while everyone calls you a pot head if you do marijuana. Plus there's such a wide selection with alcohol. vodka, bacardi, beer, rum, gin, tequila and you can mix them with whatever you want. Not many options with pot

  4. i like to do both. lol

  5. Marijuana is safer, but our laws currently prohibit its use for recreational consumption. Alcohol is certainly more dangerous and is currently legal. Why the laws are written this way, I will never know.

  6. U should do shrooms there's no smell u get on a good trip u can eat it right away so there for u can hide it fast as well it's a littl pricey but d**n nothing's free in this world lol jk

    I will pick alcohol I tried all kinds of drugs and my body only craved jack daniels!

  7. alcohol. marijuana makes you totally dumb and kills ur brain cells where as alcohol hurts ur liver. and thats replaceable mostly. and  alcohol makes u happy, dope makes everything funny but ur still just sitting there.. with alcohol ur more social and alert and energietic.

  8. My vote is for pot.  But I would Choose to have both, all the time.

  9. pro alcohol makes you have a good time its a social thing

    con marajuana makes you hide in a room with air freshener opening windows and sitting there motionless staring at your friend!!

  10. I would rather drink, cos it's legal.

    but then again if you're worried about functioning well...

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