
Marijuna Debate?

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Why is weed such a crime? I notice people go crazy when they smoke crack or when people chug down alcohol. People can o.d. on these things yet you simply cannot o.d on weed alone. So why is weed such a crime? How is it that Alcohol is safer than weed?




  1. Wow! Im right with you in this debate. I have not found one shred of evidence as to Marijuana being harmful or addictive. I support it being legalized for medical as well as for personal use. I don't understand how people think that drinking, for example is better. Even if you drink one beer a day to relax at home, you are slowly damaging your liver, but you were to smoke a joint it would have no consequence.

    I think ignorance is the problem. We have been fed so many lies since we were young in school, that now people are finding it hard to believe that all this information is wrong. Why? Text books are wrong from time to time, teachers are wrong sometimes too!

    In order for this to change, we need an open mind! We need to study and try to educate others. Hopefully one day we will be able to decide for ourselves, legally wether we smoke pot or not :)

  2. yea whiteboi got most of it  but one thing most people in America dount know jack about cannabis how it got illegal and its back ground history on how hemp change the world. if people did it  would change.

  3. Weed should be legal.  I haven't smoked since I was in high school, but I know a lot of people who do smoke weed.  There is nothing wrong with it.  I have never heard of anyone becoming addicted to weed like people get addicted to alcohol.  I actually did a report on this in high school.  The government makes way too much money for them to ever legalize it.  It's always about the mighty dollar.

  4. Because of good ol' 1930's racism.

  5. cuz the gov't cant make money, and they dont want too many ppl to have fun

  6. whiteboi is totally right on. though i do feel that people that can't handle it shouldn't use it. example - couch potatis, dead beats... you get the idea.

  7. It's because people are idiots and always have to ruin everything.

  8. Alcohol most definitely isn't safer than weed. annnnnnnd hypothetically speaking, I would feel safer in the passenger seat next to a stoned driver than a drunk driver.

  9. Watch reefer madness and find out.

  10. Erica explained it really well. weed is illegal for a number of reasons. it had to do with racism, Protection of Corporate Profits, Personal Career Advancement and Greed. thats why it was made illegal back in the 1930's. its illegal today because the government makes a lot more money by it staying illegal. if they were to legalize it, weed would replace 10-20% of over the counter medications. those big pharmaceutical companies would lose too much money.less people would buy alcohol cause they now have a better substitute if it were legalized and organizations like the DEA would burn to the ground cause they'd no longer have this war on drugs which is actually a war on marijuana...

    wed have less police officers cause the crime rate would go down...lack of a black market...
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