
Marine Biology and animal training...

by Guest21377  |  earlier

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I am hoping to pursue a career working with marine life. Right now since I am young and inexperienced I am keeping my options open. I have loved animals all my life, and i've always been especially fascinated with creatures from the deep blue seas. I going to be studying pre-veterinary medicine this fall, preparing for a vet college. My initial goal was to become an Equine vet since I grew up with horses and know a lot about how that business works. But i've always dreamed of being a marine biologist. I used to want to be a whale trainer (still kind of do). Lately though I have become fascinated wih sharks and would absolutely love to work with them (perhaps in research). I am really just looking for some direction and advice from someone with knowledge and experience in any of these fields. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME DECIDE WHAT TO PURSUE! :) Any suggestions are welcome (websites always help a lot too). Thanks everyone!




  1. As someone who works on marine biology (and even has published on shark biology), my advice is to take as much science and math as you can.  Don't worry too much about finding specialized classes on particular marine topics yet--you'll have lots of opportunity in the last few years of college and as a graduate student.  A background in math and science (including physics and chemistry) is invaluable to a wide variety of career paths including marine biology.

  2. Here are some links to other Y!A questions. I'm not sure if the links will help you decided or make you more confused.

    What career you should pursue is a personal chose.

    ....but, I couldn't decide what to do either.;...

    I have a major fascination for sharks and intend on studying them in college. i have some questions.;...

    For seaworld , prior experience with animal and speaking ???!??!!?!?;...

    What schools offer the best Zoology/Animal Sciences programs in North America?;...

    What do I do become a Marine Biologist?;...

    zoo keeping advice?;...

    How do i get involved in zoological medicine other than the American College of Zoological Medicine, too picky;...

    What college is good for a marine biologist or a veternarian?

    Aquatic Medical Education

    University of Florida

  3. It sounds like your interests are varied and changing, but all focus on working with large animals.  

    If you want to become a vet or do research with sharks, you'll have to further your education beyond your undergraduate degree.  In either case, having a solid foundation in biology is most important.  So, majoring in Biology or Zoology would be ideal.  Also, don't be afraid of Chemistry.  Take as much as you can because it will be very helpful.

    If you end up wanted to do whale/dolphin training (which I wouldn't recommend because there are so many people who want to do it and so few jobs that pay so poorly), your better bet is to go into a Wildlife Care program where you learn about animal care and training (for example:

    Also, I strongly advise that whichever field you choose, pursue all the opportunities you can for gaining experience in internships and research projects.  You'll probably have to volunteer, but it will help you out in the long run.  If a professor or grad student is looking for someone to do some field work, volunteer and do a good job.  You'll learn a lot and gain some references for future work.

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