
Marine Corps Recruiter Question?

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i want to join the Marine Corps really bad if i could leave right i now i would cuz right now im just sitting on my *** not do anything. the thing is that i know that i have to loose a lot of weight first about 50-65 pounds...My question is, is if i went to a recruiter would he just tell me to loose some weight and then come back and talk to him or would he help me out and get everything taken care of like papers, info, asvab, all that kinda stuff and just help me loose the weight in the mean time even if it took like 4 months or something so by the time i loose the weight i can just go to Boot Camp




  1. Short answer: yes

    Long answer: yes, he/she will just go through the motions for you to get the info. As a former USMC recruiter, i've had alot of big guys/gals come to my office and say they want to join, only to drop off the face of th earth after about 2 to 3 months. Here's a newsflash for all you out there that don't know it: THE MARINE CORPS IS HARD!!!! THE MARINE CORPS WILL BREAK YOU DOWN!!!

    My advice to you, start now. Start running and soing some sort of cardio/physical training program to show the recruiter that you are serious. If you really really want to join the Corps, show not only the recruiter, but everybody: family, friends, teachers, whoever. The harder you work at it now, the easier(haha) it will be when you step onto those famous yellow footprints.....HOORAH!

  2. You'll be put in the DEP program and show up once a month to events where you exercize, etc before you leave. They will help you drop weight.

    You'll still end up in Pork Chop at boot though.

  3. I was in your situation. You cannot be put in the DEP (Delayed Entry Program) until you meet all the standards. You will be told to lose the weight, and until you meet the basic requirements, your recruiter will not waste his/her time holding your hand through all this. If you want it enough, you'll do it.

    Your recruiting station should have a "poolee" program, where you meet once a week and they run you through a PT (Physical Training) session. I recommend you do it to get some kind of idea of what's expected of you

    If you are interested, I do have what I did all written down. I lost 35lbs in 3 months, and since you're a guy, you'd lose it much faster. If you're interested, shoot me an email.  

  4. LOL. Man if you want to join now, By all means. Your recruiter will do whatever it takes to get you in. When you get to Basic, They will do whatever it takes (and I do mean Whatever it takes) to make you lose that baby-fat of yours...

    Man.. Good luck. You are in for a rude awakening....  

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