
Marine Corps boot camp tips anyone??

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Marine Corps boot camp tips anyone??




  1. as far as in BOOTCAMP, yea,  scream at the top of your god dang lungs, run as fast as you can SPEED VOLUME AND INTENSITY!!!!!   ALWAYS!!!! everything else they will teach you,

    general orders

    rank structure

    command structure

    they'll get it out of you so dont worry, just do every thing fast and with volume.

  2. Don't quit ever.

    Remember that every single thing they make you do is done for a specific reason.

  3. work out as much as you can prior to going! and just remember, once a marine always a marine!

  4. Start running....alot. Work on your crunches, pull-ups, push-ups and leg lifts.Work on making endurance in everything you do.

  5. Don't worry about lifting weights or anything. You need to work on your cardio and endurance. Pull ups, pushups, crunches, seated dips,

    Another thing is to learn the rank structure before you go and memorize your general orders before hand or any other knowledge pertaining to the Marine Corps.

    Get used to standing on your feet also. That was the hardest part for me in the beginning. We were constantly on our feet especially during the first couple of days in recieving.

    Good Luck and Semper Fi

  6. USMC boot camp is definitely a physical challenge... more endurance than strength, although you'll need some of that, too!   However, for many, the most challenging part is the mental "game." My son and his buddies say it helps to get to the point where you've calmed down, settled in, and are just living "chow to chow"... meaning... wake up, do what you need to do until breakfast... take time to breathe during chow, although one breath is maybe all you'll get time for.. then back at it... task by task, order by order... just do exactly what you're told to do, when you're told to do it, to the best of your abilities... and then it'll be chow time again...

    If you haven't already, check out  and send your parents and other loved ones there!  They'll love the RECRUIT message boards... and will hook up with parents of other recruits in your Company and platoon.  It's a lifesaver!!

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