
Marine Corps vs. University. I can't decide

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I'm 17 entering my senior year and I can't decide wether I should join the Marine Corps straight out of high school or go to College and join in another 5 years. Anyone that joined right out of high school have any regrets about it or wish they had gone to college first? (PS: Money for college IS NOT the reason I'm looking to join)




  1. It depends on your body & your brain. Younger brain is better for your study? Younger body is better during military?

  2. just keep on thinking about it and do what you think is best

  3. I started working immediately after HS and joined the Corps 2 years later. The only thing I would've done differently is join immediately after HS.  I love the Marine Corps and woudn't want to do anything else with my life right now. Not to mention, I am enlisted and taking college classes also.  

  4. First, finish college and go in as a commissioned officer. Second, look real close at the different branches of services.Ask questions.I've got two honorable discharges hanging on my wall. One marine,one air force. The air force was a better deal.

  5. Do both, go ROTC.

  6. Don't join the military.  They own you

  7. Go to school, and pick a career that's recession-proof.

  8. Hmm. Let's see.

    Future (university), versus NO future (military).

    What to do? What to do?

  9. get your education while you cvan you will be glad you did as you will advance faster

  10. School

  11. ROTC is the way to go.  My couisn joined the marines straight out of high school, he is out now but struggling financially while trying to go to college.

    ROTC or OCS, you decide.  ROTC is much easier than OCS so I would do Navy ROTC Marine option.

  12. both the above comments have some merit how ever you Can join the marines and while your getting educated by them on how to be a better human  with discipline and maturity  while getting educated in many worth while things for free and! you can use the GI bill once out to pay for even more collage. just remember this one word run ! why because you will run everywhere in basic training. ROTC is fine but many rotc

    Lt's aren't liked very much because they haven't been there in the fight yet and they are here to lead men when the haven't figured out how to blouse their pants properly much less lead men in combat

  13. As a vet I'm telling you to go to college and get your degree then join as an officer, if you don't you will regret it.

  14. I was your age and faced the same question. I opted to join the Army first. In hindsight, if I had it to do all over again, I'd go to college and then join as an officer.  You get better pay and benefits - trust me on that.

  15. I'm a woman, but if I could decide, I would go to the marines. It might get tough, but they offer as well lots of different education and training. If you a tough boy go for it so long you are young and make a good carrier in there. Good Luck.  

  16. Go to college and you have many options from there:

    1) Do Navy ROTC and become a Marine officer. Also have a chance at scholarships to pay for school.

    2) Do the PLC program with the Marine Corps where you go to OCS in your summers and if you pass, get offered a commission as an officer after graduating college.

    3) Join the Marine Corps Reserves and go to boot camp in the summer and you can get the 92 day program where you do all your training each summer so you don't miss any school.

    Bottom line, college is the way to go, even if you want to do the military thing at the same time. I was in the Reserves while going to school and it was a good deal. I recommend trying to become an officer, you will be really glad you did.  

  17. If you get your degree first, in a medical profession,You can go into the Military as an Officer.

    If you are injured or killed, there may be no collage

    for the degree, in which, you wish to choose.

    And after collage, you may change your mind. <}:-})

  18. hey go for the naval academy and go for marine corp officer or ROTC either way do college first.

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