
Marine army? military?

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im 16 years old 2 more years I want to join the marines but I like to lift weights can you lift weights in the marines? whats the number one branch you can lift weights?




  1. The marines and army will get you deployed much more and then you will have much less time to lift weights. I would join the coast guard if the only thing you really want to do is lift.

    You must be ready to be deployed at a moments notice especially in the Marines. You should really rethink your motives in this choice. Joining the military is a huge commitment you will devote almost all of your time every day to them. I work 11 hours a day usually. If you cannot handle this because you would rather lift weights I would say go special operations/ special forces because all you do is train build muscle and endurance and become demons of the battlefield. (For the enemy that is :D ) If you can't do this then I would suggest not picking the military as your career. I joined the military for a reason and that is to help people to serve my country and when I'm done I will have a great education for the time and work put in.

  2. It doesn't sound like you know much about what it takes to be in the military or what life will be like once you join.  You should have deeper reasons for joining than just wanting to lift weights and be in good shape.

    Do some more research.  You have time.

  3. There's no weight lifting profession, you can competitively do sport's and I'm sure this includes weight lifting. If you're any good you can probably compete against other Branch's of the Military.

  4. there is no MOS that lets u just lift but my guest would become a DI or when training and deployment is not in the way there are free gyms on base that u can use with paying or membership ur membership is saying ur a marine  

  5. ill answer this one too. You dont get to sit around and lift weights in the Marines. Or likely any other military branch. Thats on ur time off that you can do that. You will be training all the time to be the best warriors in the world. You will be the best warrior in the world. You dont need to sit in your gym everyday for that. You will do enough pushups, pullups, situps... to make you physically and mentally unstoppable.

    If you want a job with a clean base and a nice gym, then go Air Force. the Marines dont want people like you, with this attitude
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