
Marine battery's, putting them to sleep for the winter and winter up keep?

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Marine battery's, putting them to sleep for the winter and winter up keep?




  1. An easy solution that has worked for me over the last 8 years is using a solar panel that trickle charges the battery at around 100milli amps (depending on the sun). Just take the battery out and connect the panel to it and place the panel against a window.

    The solar panels cost around $25. made in china of course. Have a little flashing LED indicating the charging. It even works in low light.

    My last battery lasted 5 years.


  2. just bring it inside, charge once in a while with a LOW trickle charge (1 amp)

  3. Store the batteries indoors and do not store them directly on concrete if they are on the floor, put them on wood. Best to keep them up on a shelf where you can get to them easily and monitor them. Clean off the tops off the battery case. Top them off with distilled water and trickle charge them every few weeks over the winter.

  4. Either disconnect them and bring them inside where you can monitor their charge during winter.

    I use a maintainer the connects to battery and all I do is plug it in. It maintains charge without overcharging. They are about $30 at Overtons

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