
Marine infantry question?

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so can someone explain in detail how you're job is decided in infantry. cause i would like to be a LAV crewman or a 0311 or machingunner but how is that decded? is it in my first few weeks at soi or can i go through my recruiter and get what i want specified in my contract?




  1. Ive already explained this to you..ill give it one more shot....and every time you ask your gonna get all these answers from those who think they know and all that..all that does is confuse you even more,,

    If you are a active duty contract you CAN NOT choose your exact MOS..You can only choose a field such as infantry..

    Once in infantry school they will evaluate you and based on your ASVAB and other things such as your swim qual..and driving record..If your driving record was very bad then no LAV for you..

    And then they place you where they see fit..There are other factors but it is not in your control and a recruiter can do nothing for you

  2. If your joining you can tell your recruiter that you want to be that, and he will arrange all of that for you. My brother is an mp (military police) as a dog handler, and he got to choose that with his recruiter.

  3. if you want to be lav that's a completely different mos if you don't specify that to your recruiterr you will just be considered a grunt...for a machine gunner you can try to go for a contract threw a recruiter,0311 is decided in soi

  4. YOu can ask for what you want when you sign up, but in your contract it will say, "at the convenience of the Marine Corps". Why do you want to be a grunt anyway?  

  5. You will be picking your occupation field when you work out your contract at MEPS. If you want to go infantry then the Only thing the contract can guarantee is "0300" (Infantry). Once you complete boot camp and go off to SOI your specific MOS ("0311" "LAV" etc) will be decided based on how many slots they have for each MOS and what you qualified for in boot camp (how well you shoot, your physical abilities, etc).

  6. I got out of the Marines many years ago, but when I joined, you could pick your M.O.S. with the recruiter if you wanted to.   Since the military is more desperate than ever to recruit, I would assume that nothing has changed in that regard.

    I went in on open contract, even though I wanted infantry.  They tried to put me in some school to be a liason with the N.S.A. but I declined and went infantry.  At S.O.I. I tried out for recon and got into that.

    Good Luck.

  7. are you going marine because of how smart you are?

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