
Marine pay rate after a child.

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My husband is in the marines. He is an E3.

We are expecting our first child in Dec. I was wanting to know if his pay rate will increase like it did when we get married or does it just stay the same?.

Thanks for your answers!




  1. i dont know marines but i know every other branch each child is like a mini pay suppose to get more for ever dependent you have

  2. There is no extra pay for children or additional dependents unless you are overseas in which the COLA rate would increase slightly. Other than that, the only extra pay he is seeing for having dependents is BAH at the "with dependent" rate. That doesn't change -- it is the same amount for 1 dependent or 20. Base pay is never increased based on having dependents or not nor is his BAS.  

  3. The BAH rate is with dependants or without. The "with dependants" pay doesn't matter how many dependants you have.  

  4. I hope not,then all the chicks that married a marine for benefits(we call them Boot Bait)will have kids for money and not love.Its bad enough that these gals admit to marrying a military man to get medical/dental benefits,they will start having children for money,This is not a bash on those that marry for love,just a thought on those that use the system to get things for free.Congrats on the baby!

  5. Federal Law prohibits discrimination based on family status, so paying someone with kids more for a federal job wouldn't make sense.

  6. it dosent go up, unless you are recieving cola, in that case - yes it would go up by a little bit. but other than that no it dosent.

  7. The first answer is the right one.  Pay does not change due to a child or marriage.  He saw some additional pay because of his housing situation and meals as a result of marriage and his changed domicile.  Those changes are a by product of moving out of the barracks not getting married nor having a child.

    However, let me say congratulations on the child and a big 'Rah to the new marine joining your life.

  8. It used to be they paid you by the least in the army...but all that stopped.Now they pay you the same rate no matter what your number of dependents are.

  9. It seems people are split on how this works.  Since I've had to counsel many of my junior Marines on this issue, I'll give it to you exact:

    Unless you are also in the military (which it sounds like you're not) having children doesn't affect your pay at all.  If you were active duty as well, you would both be receiving the single BAH rate (or BAH without dependents).  One of you would then receive the "with dependents" rate for your child.

    Since you aren't in the military, you receive nothing additional.  It is either with dependents or without.  Since you are his dependent, he has already received the pay increase for having one.  You would, however, qualify for a larger house if you're living on base.  You may also qualify for food assistance through WIC (depending on your area and any additional pay he receives), which is qualified financially.  You can search for WIC in your area online, and they should have a sheet of guidelines for your area.  Typically they give you $100-$300 per month in food vouchers, depending on the cost of the items.  Check also with the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society, who will give you a bag full of baby things (sleepers, blankets, etc) if you take a budgeting class.  Also join your local Freecycle and collect other peoples' used baby things.  Near military bases there are usually an abundance of baby things being given away, and they're usually in really good condition.  

    All these things and judicious budgeting (and saving) of income right now will help you out greatly in the upcoming years.  Set at least $30 per month aside in a special savings account (try more for $100 if you can) to be used only for baby things.  That way when he/she is going through diapers, wipes, and other things at a breakneck pace, you won't feel the crunch quite so  bad.

    Hope this helped!

  10. Stays the same..."pay" is based on rank and time in grade, nothing more nothing less!

  11. No, his pay rate won't change, but you'll qualify for larger housing :) And with him being an E-3 you should qualify for up to 10 hrs of free child care a month, check on that - it might have just been our last base, we don't get to use it but I heard it advertised a lot.

    Congrats on your growing family :)

  12. basic pay rates dont change but u do get paid more once married.  

    you receive basic allowance for substance (roughly 200 dollars), and Housing allowances (BAH, FHA--based in the zip code) if you don't elect for govt quarters--which is way cheaper and better most time.  He might have to wait since he's a junior enlisted man.  Expect up to 12 months in crowded installations.

    COLA, depending on the state

    In all, you can receive a hefty bonus to your basic rate.

    as for having more children, there's no additional monies awarded.  However, you'll qualify for 2 bedrooms now at housing.

    edit:  I don't know Juliana, I'm not confused one bit.  I elected for both govt housing and off post housing quite a few times in my 20 years of service.  I have a few kids too.

    So though the rates don't change--we all agree on this, married couples DO get additional cost of living benefits--in the form of money and/or government housing.

    COLA can add up too.  Ask anyone stationed in Hawaii.

  13. congrats on your new baby..the only time a child gets you more money in the military is if you are overseas and you get cola..your cola is based on the number of the states one dependent is the same as ten.....

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