
Marine tank? 10 points to answer?

by Guest67035  |  earlier

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can i keep 2 seahorse, 2 occ. clown fish, 1 orange butterfly, 2 koran angels, 1 yellow tang and 2 blue carib. tang




  1. Scratch the seahorses, everything else is fine. Seahorses are slow and can not compete for food with fast fish (Ex.Clown and tangs and butterfly fish) Also, are you an experienced saltwater fish keeper? If not, scratch the butterfly fish to. They are VERY hard! Seahorses cal also only be fed live foods, and you need to know the species of seahorse and butterfly fish. A good book to help you in getting your tank set up is the idiots guide to a saltwater aquarium! Good luck!!

    Wait, NEVER put 2 tangs of the same shape in a tank! They will fight! A blue and a yellow will do fine, but not 2 blues!! With the clowns, angels(I do not know much about angels so if I am wrong and 2 can not go together, some1 please correct me)and the 2 different tangs, you need a 100+ gallon tank.

  2. There are a few fish that can live with will have to watch to much activity around a seahorse and they can stop eating, But you can have blennies, gobies,draganets, mandarins, percula clowns, some butterflys, tangs and wrasses, soft and hard corals, plants. Keep in mind several of these fish such as the mandarins and draganets and blennies all need mature tanks of at least a year to grow copepods, the food that they eat.

    this would be a real good page for you to read.

    I hope that your tank is atleast 150 gallons the caribbean tang and angel needs 100 gallons and the yellow tang need 125.  Since both tangs are similar in shape, you could run into some aggression issues between the two and their territory.  The butterfly's you can have two of but they will have to be introduced together, The angel will be aggressive and is only recommended that you only have one. that and 1 angel and a very large tank and a lot of research and you will have a wonderful tank.  

  3. I agree with her /\


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