
Marines MOS Schooling ?

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After graduating from Marine boot camp, I know you go to your MOS schooling, are you also obligated to go to college, or is your MOS school college ? Thanks in advance




  1. They aren't obligated to go to college. MOS school is the school they will go to, to learn about their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). I know they do earn college credits in the Marines just by training and I think by doing MCIs. I'm not too sure where the college credits come from, but those are my guesses. My husband has been in 7 years and hasn't gone to any community college or university, yet he still has quite a bit of college credits by now.

  2. after boot camp, those in infantry go right on to infantry schooling. those with other jobs go to mct-marine combat training first and then go to school for their mos. mos school is the training they receive to do the jobs they enlisted for but it doesnt necessarily take the place of a college. it can but not always...thats why the military most often times pays for a college education after they are discharged

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