
Marines/Neck Tattoos????

by  |  earlier

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I can't join the Marines if I have a neck tattoo right?

Which sucks.I really wanna join,but I have Viva La White Girl on the side of my's kinda at an angle/not on the back but not on the side.




  1. my question is why would you get such a horrible and yes i mean horrible tattoo such as viva la white girl tattooed on your neck..

    that is going to look real classy when you are a grandmother

  2. they don't care. the only restriction with that is i believe you can not be an officer.

  3. you can join the Army with that tat but if you want to be a Marine u gotta get it removed  

  4. Unfortunately, if you want to serve the tattoo has to be removed.  It can be seen while in uniform...big no-no.  The final choice is your's of course. The tattoo may have meaning to you but is it special enough that you are willing to give up another goal and the benefits that come with it?

  5. Laser surgery...

  6. you can join but you cant be an officer

  7. I knew one who had a shaved head and a tat of a zipper running front to back.

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