
Marines: What happens after basic?

by  |  earlier

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my hubby's about to go to basic and then 3 months of training for canine mp. When will we get notice of where we'll be stationed.




  1. If he graduates BOOT CAMP he gets 10 days leave..

    then he goes to MCT/SOI for about 1 month..

    then he goes to MP school for  3 months and towards the end of his school he will be told where he will get stationed..

  2. After basic they will have 10 days of leave then return for MCT or ITB.  MCT is non-infantry and is 29 days ITB (infantry training) is 45 days.  They they leave and go to their MOS training (job training)  this is a different length of time for each MOS.  When they have almost completed their MOS training they will be told where their Permanent Duty Station is.  They also can have delays waiting to pick up the next company to start training.  You are probably looking at 8-9 months before he is assigned PDS.

    Good luck.

  3. Sometimes they know after boot-camp, but more than likely it will be after he completes his K-9 training successfully.

  4. First he cant get trained as a canine MP right after basic. He as to became an MP first. Ur  quest: 2 to 3 weeks before he finishes his MP training he will get his orders and he will let you know !

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