
Marines enlisting question.?

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I have completed MEPS and taken my oath. So that means i am now officially enlisted. I haven't chosen a MOS yet, nor have I requested where I would wish to be stationed.

When do I request to live at Camp Pendleton?

and When do I choose my MOS?

Was I suppose to do this at MEPS? =O




  1. joey is slightly correct. i just got back from MEPS yesterday. at MEPS u should have signed an open contract that will be change at a later date. as for as request for a station or mos that is up to the Marines. after MEPS u will meet with the recruiter, he will then give u a list of jobs u qualify for, after that he will have u choose your top 3 and an alternative. once that is choosen and u descuss bonuses and so forth your new contract will be drawn up. u will not know your mos til the middle of basic. plus in the middle of basic the only people who get to choose thier stations are the people who graduate with honors (this is only for your first duty station, your next one you should be able to choose yourself). most likely they will ask for overseas volenteers, then the honors get to choose. if you are not one of the lucky "honors" you will choose your station just like you chose your mos. even if you choose 4 stations for deploment it still is no garentee that you will get that base or camp, its just where they have space and need you, just as it is the same for your mos.  One last word of advice....CHECK YOUR CONTRACT OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!!!!! if its not in writing you are NOT getting it!!! make sure the bonuses, promotions, financial aid, and any other promises the recruiter has blown up your *** is in writing and signed. good luck. OOOOORRRRAAAAHHHH! USMC!!!!!

  2. now who the frik told you that you got to pick your first duty station?? SON, YOU LOST YOUR MIND!!!! you wont pick, and after you completed meps, your recruiter should ask you . if not, you should tell him and make sure you get your job, NEVER BE OPEN CONTRACT!!!

  3. Well here's a little inside scoop from a former devil dog....

    ~No matter what the recruiter tells you, the Marines can not guranntee you your MOS. They can get your MOS field, but not necessarily the specific MOS.

    ~BAD NEWS___ If you have already gone to MEPS, that means that your paperwork has been accepted and now you are awaiting to ship correct. Well, if your papaerwork was already accepted and that means that your MOS was already picked for you.

    ~ You can request to be stationed all you want. The bottom line is though, the Marine Corps is going to send you whereever they need you to be. Case in Point: During my MOS school, we were told to make a wish list of what region we wanted to be stationed. 4 Marines from California (including myself) picked : West Coast, Overseas, East Coast. All 4 Marines were sent to East Coast.

    You see, you really do not have any say where you are going to be sent until you have completed 4 years and are ready for re-enlistment.

    ~ Good News----- Even though yes, you have sworn in and stuff. You are not officially in until you get off that bus in boot camp. At any given time you can say I change my mind. Yes the recruiter is going to flip, and fuss, and threaten you with all kinds of legal bull Sh*t... Just stay ccalm and tell him that you never picked your MOS, and that your family has already gotten you an attorney to get out of the falsified contract. recruiters hate paperwork...I hope this helps.  

  4. Believe me, in the Marines, you will be told...everything. If you did it wrong, you will be corrected. The request to live at Camp Pendleton depends on your unit, therefore it waits until after Basic. Choosing a MOS comes after Basic as well.

  5. I went to MEPS for the Marines in 07. Although i didnt get in, the people that did swore in, took the oath, and chose their MOS at that time. Im sure that you can still choose it, but for the Marine Core they are more than likely going to put you to do something that "is in the needs of the Marine Core." since its such a small force, you dont really have too much of a say in what you do. If your very intelligent, they will probably have you doing computers related work. If your not so hot, they may put you in infantry.

    Every Marine is a rifle man first. Meaning, if you do have a computer job for say, your still going to be trained in infantry skills.

    As for where you'll be living, you can request that i think when you choose your MOS, but again, it has to do with the needs of the Core.

    Good luck and thanks for serving our Country

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