
Mark 10:21 , was this the greatest invitation ever made ?

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Mark 10:21....Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

I just read a very good book given to me , called Come be my follower.

If you check out my questions you will see i have been studying the sermon on the mount , Jesus offers a message of hope.

Is the invitation to follow Jesus the most important invitation ever offered ?




  1. May i ask , what religion are you ?

  2. Very good book.

    I only two months ago got my copy in English, so I only just read it again, with better understanding.

    True, the invitation to follow Jesus was the best offer that guy got in life.

  3. It is the first commandment of Communism where you share your wealth with society especially the poor. Starlin used this passage in one of his speeches when he took control of Russia.

  4. The answer is NO.

    The offers that Jesus made in His earthly ministry were made to a particular group of people who were living at that time. They were a NATION of Jews with whom He had a COVENANT, or marriage agreement. They were to lead all other nations to God. They failed in this endeavor thru UNBELIEF and God SET THEM ASIDE. The plan in which the statement you offered is found is called JUDAISM. The plan in which God is operating today is called Christianity, and is based on GRACE thru faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross for each individuals sin debt.

    WE are to follow Christ NOT In His earthly ministry, but in His instructions given to us AFTER HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD. Those instructions are found in Romans thru Philemon where we are told to follow PAUL as he followed Christ. He never knew Jesus Christ in His earthly ministry, but only AFTER He rose from the dead.

    We are never asked to follow Jesus Christ in the offer He made with the Nation Israel. Those promises are NOT to us.

    God raised up a NEW apostle, with NEW instructions, for a NEW CREATION, with a NEW destination. We are not under the law of Moses or the Kingdom program God will set up on the earth with the Nation of Israel. Our destination is heaven.

    If you want to see the ONLY offer on the table for we who are alive today, please email me at for a free copy of the book entitled "God HAD a Secret." It will explain it all VERY clearly WITH scripture to back it up.

    It is FREE. Thank you for your question.

  5. If you look at the Golden Rule and at the Beatitudes as a handbook for the life of a 'christian' you'll understand why there are so few 'christians' and so many hypocrites. Modern 'christianity', for most people, is a membership in a social club.

  6. I think that Jesus' invitation was the greatest gift he could have bestowed. Of course Jesus was offering a discipleship to the rich young man, but he has invited all of us to come follow him.  I think that this man had kept all of the commandments and was a good man but when it came down to making the ultimate sacrifice to give all that he had and come follow Jesus he couldn't do it.  He obviously had a desire to follow Jesus but what held him back?  He loved riches more han he loved the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel.

    I do not think that Jesus was trying to teach us that everyone who is wealthy is evil or will not make it back into the kingdom of God, but that we need to be very careful to not put riches or anything else before choosing to follow God and his son Jesus Christ.  When we do so, aren't we worshiping in a sense Idols?

  7. Alrighty then...maybe you should follow his advise, sell everything you have to get your ticket into heaven. Do it man...Doooo et! Lets see how much you can love Jesus.

  8. One thing is for certain: all the mega rich evangelists aren't following Christ.

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