
Mark McGwire for the Hall?

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I know he took steroids, but it wasn't illegal at the time.




  1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

  2. I dont know.... I'd wait for him to get into the hall... I dont know if I'd even put him in there not putting Bonds in so there I dont know if I'd put him in I don't really care for him

  3. yes he will get in

  4. It WAS just wasn't against the rules of baseball.

    I think there is good evidence that McGwire used steroids his entire career, so in my opinion there is no redeeming feature that makes him hall-worthy.

  5. Ditto everything Buzz said.  On March 17, 2005, Mark McGwire refused to answer questions put to him in the Congressional hearings on steroid use in baseball.  Of the players testifying, Palmiero, Sosa and McGwire came out looking like criminals with something to hide.  Curt Schilling came out looking like he was running for congress from Massachusetts.  

  6. Man, I'm sick of clueless people saying this.

    A. It was illegal. He took ILLEGAL DRUGS. He obtained them illegally and used them illegally.

    B. It WAS a banned substance in MLB and has been since 1991. The Players Union does not recognize this, but it WAS banned.

    C. He did it secretly. If it wasn't bad or illegal, why did he do it secretly?

    D. And finally, if it "wasn't illegal" why doesn't he just say "yeah, I did it, but it wasn't illegal?"

    Here's where you get mad and give me a thumbs down.

  7. You KNOW McGwire used steroids? Please do cite your source, the proof behind this statement. To date there have been plenty of allegations and circumstantial nonsense but nothing firm.

    McGwire is known to have used androstenedione, which is a testosterone precursor, but that is not the same as using steroids.

    Had I a Hall vote, I would vote for McGwire.

  8. No, He disrespected the game.  He and any other self centered jerk who thought they were more important than the integrity of the game should not get in.  I doubt he would have been any more than an  average player without enhancement.  We are all still dealing with the fall out of the steroid era.  Now every time a guy has a bad year after a good year everyone thinks  " He was on steroids".  Thanks a lot McGwire.  

  9. Probably, yes. You make a good point that steroids were not illegal at the time, but he did have excellent power, which should let him in.

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