
Mark Ramprakash has reached the milestone of 100 hundreds?

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He has finally achieved the milestone today, becoming the 25th player to do so.

Will anyone ever again score 100 hundreds, given the reduced amount of first class matches played? The next highest in the list is Justin Langer with 83, and Matt Hayden and Stuart Law, each of whom have 79 to their name. All of them are in the twilight of their careers.

Is it possible that the milestone of 100 hundreds will ever be reached again? And if so, who by?

And for a bit of fun: What is your favourite cartoon from the 1980's?




  1. Great feat for Mark Ramprakash!

    Seeing the cricketers next to him, & the decrease in the first class matches being played, its seems quite a far out of reach record at the moment .

    I've liked Popeye the sailor

  2. congrate to him... hes the 24th one.. i think  

  3. bloody h**l bring him into the england team he has averaged over 100 for the last 2 and a half years, its obvious this youthful team are rubbish so bring in some class

  4. I doubt it.

    There just aren't enough first class games being played anymore, there used to be loads which increased the likelyhood of players achieving those milestones. Not any more. I guess that makes it all the more special when someone actually does do it. So well done Ramprakash, a very fine cricketer.

    Nowadays I think you would have to find a very exceptional cricketer to do it, and at present I'm not sure if there is anyone. I could be wrong though, I'm sure there are a few (I just can't think of anyone off hand at the moment). The people next to Ramps on the list are a little too old (in cricketing terms), they would probably have to play into their mid 40s and I can't see anyone doing that (well perhaps Law might).

    Favourite cartoon from the 80s: Thundercats.

  5. I've heard people say the reduction in matches means it will be impossible, but I'm not so sure. Ramprakash scored 53 of his 100 in the last nine years when there have been 16 matches in the County Championship and between '93 and '99 there was only one extra fixture.

    The ingredients needed to get to the landmark will be longviety, good fitness and most importantly not being good enough at Test level, they also have to play County cricket as a minimum.

    Langer has now retired from State cricket and Law doesn't play it either so both will need to score five centuries for the next four English seasons. I doubt either of them will make it because Langer despite playing on the easiest pitch in the country scored three tons last year and only two this, he's also off to the IPL next year. Law is two years older than Langer and has been scoring three tons a year consistently, unless he was to switch to easier second division cricket I'm not sure he'll reach 90. The fact Hayden hasn't retired from ODIs suggests the 2011WC is a goal, with those international commitments he won't get enough games.

    A guy like Robert Key has a chance but like Langer and Law he'll need to average five centuries a season as well as not being selected for England. Playing some domestic cricket overseas will improve his chances.

  6. NO

    NO WAY

    50-50 is gone i dont expect anyone todo the same  

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