
Mark Twain is one of my favorite humorists. He had some wonderful quotes. This is one of my favorite:?

by Guest44869  |  earlier

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Don't go around saying the World owes you a living; the world owes you nothing; it was here first! There seems to be a general idea of many of the young people today that they are owed everything, and have no need to work for it. This sense of entitlement is absolutely destructive! Do you agree?




  1. I agree.  I have to wonder if it's the generation of parents who'd rather buy/give in to their children on what ever they demand, caused by the guilt of the parents of not being able/or want to spend time with their children, divorce, etc.  But I believe most all parents do the best with what they know and have, and hindsight is always 20/20.

  2. You are correct on both counts.  Mark Twain was a world class humorist, and far too many people of all ages have an appalling sense of entitlement.

  3. "Suppose you're an idiot. And suppose you're a congressman. But I repeat myself..."

  4. Mark Twain was a man so wise that he said:

    Golf is tthe best way I know to ruin a good walk.

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