
Marketing Proposal?

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I have to give a sort of presentation to two of my bosses on what I vision for the "Marketing Department" of the company I work for and what my role will be in that vision. I have recently graduated with my Marketing degree. It is a fairly small company and I am currently the only person with any kind of marketing function, as they "laid off" the old Marketing Manager. My title is Marketing Assistant, and clearly if I do well in this proposal I could be up for a decent promotion. I have lots of content, I am just wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to present the material in an attention grabbing and creative way. It will be just the three of us and it will most likely be a lunch meeting. Also any other advice would be greatly appreciated...




  1. You need to consider your audience and the business you are in.  For an internal audience, a logical presentation of the material is probably more important than "attention grabbing".  While the latter will show off some of your techniques and capabilities, being able to show leadership that you understand your product(s), the target customers and that you have a plan for your marketing department to support the company goals is important.  If they have confidence that you understand the bigger picture, you'll have many opportunities to show off your creativity.

  2. I have a newer concept i read about in newsweek

    there is a business called that actually helps smaller companies market products and they claim to boost sales quite a bit I asked a couple people if they have used them and one of them said they were really good

    they may be able to help you determine some effective/creative marketing niches for your new role


  3. that's a tough one, i would pick some of the past marketing sceams and "update" them add in your own touch so they can see something that has been used in the past and how you would use your own sense of style to add to it, also i maybe do like a power point presentation ( i know it seems so old fashion and dull, but if your creative enough you can make it pop) and since it will be a lunch thing dont make it too short that people wont have time to ponder your presentation and eat, but dont make it too long either!!

    good luck!!

  4. First I'd keep it simple and to the point. It's easy to over explain everything. Remember these aren't marketing people so keep it on their level.

    If there were things the former person did that they disliked don't bring those up. Instead highlight areas that you feel would best accomplish goals.

    It's easy to think up over the top ways to do things but you are going to be in a restaurant. Hauling a bunch of papers, posters, and PowerPoint presentations out isn't going to be convenient.

    My experience in these types of situations is they are in the 'whats in it for me'. mode.

    If when you say 'decent promotion' you mean title no money I think you hit the nail on the head. I suspect the reason they are considering you is that you made less then the last person and they figure you can do it cheaper then the last person. I hope they do give you what you want, but also give you a similar increase in salary. Taking on more work and getting the same money isn't a promotion its getting hosed.

    Good luck.
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