
Marketing a mid 5 digit pony?

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A friend has just sent her pony to my place, she wants him to be sold. I am used to marketing ponies, I have just never had one of this caliber and was wondering if the you guys could help me figure out how to market this little guy. He is extremely fancy, has a great jump, an auto-change, will model, win the hack and over fences. He hasn't broken his green and is a really easy ride. My sister is taking him foxhunting, cross country schooling, and to games practice so he should become an extremely well rounded little guy. What do you guys think about marketing him?




  1. The best place I have found to market a pony other than is with They have the only PONY magazine for fancy ponies and other show ponies. There are tons of hunter ponies in the magazine each month with great results. The ads are cheap compared to most and include online listings. The online listings are through the plaid horse site which you get to off of the one for the paisley pony site.

    I think that the ads are $25. I would suggest placing an ad, taking some really great video footage showing the perks of the pony, then calling some of the larger pony and hunter farms to find out if they have anyone looking for a pony like yours. Selling him is the key so pull out those "people skills" and work the people on the phone. Get them interested enough to ask for a video, then send it to them as quickly as possible through mail, youtube, or email.

    Make sure to do follow up calls. Taking him to some shows where there will be other ponies like him will do great in order to have him out there, and make sure to have posters up everywhere when you do. Talk to farms while you are there too in order to let them know all about him.

    Word of mouth is the best way to sell anything. The more his name and information gets out there the more likely you are to sell him for what you want to. The market has dropped but not on ponies like this. Those people who would be interested in him before have not been affected by the economy more than likely therefore can still pay the money for a pony like that if he is truly worth the money. Again that is where the video and sound training comes into play.

    Good luck with selling him! You will be just fine!

  2. It depends where you are selling him. It seems like you could make a good profit off him. Advertise him for $30,000. Don't expect that much. But consider any offer over $10,000. Anything over $20,000 would be an almost auto-buy.

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