
Marketing paper - consumer behavior and clothes brand positioning. Expert help?

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I'm working on a paper (investigation) and I need to run some surveys but I need some help on how to ask the questions. What I'm trying to find out is the consumer behavior of young people (18-24) towards clothes and how these decisions affect the positiong of those brands.

My question is what do you think the questions on the survey should look like?




  1. Head to the mall. Grab some customers in your age range after they come out of the stores after making a purchase. Your survey should be short and to the point about 10 - 15 questions.

    1) What brands did you just purchase and why?

    2) What "drove" you to make the buying decision?

    3) How do you feel about the brand you purchased?

    4) Do you see/hear advertising for this brand? If so, where?

    5) etc., etc.,

    You could also use a multiple choice survey: I.E.: Did you purchase this brand because of

    [ ]  Status    [ ] Comfort   [ ] Style, etc.

    Got the idea?

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