
Marketing questionnaire?

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Could you spend some time filling my questionnaire?

Thank you for your assistance ^^




  1. i gave up! your spelling was awful and it was hard to understand some of the questions, and a lot of the time the answers to choose from didn't match the question being asked!

    did you not pilot your questionnaire before hand? i did some statistics and questionnaire design at GCSE level and even we tested out or questionnaires to ensure they made sense to other people!! can't believe you're studying at degree level and haven't bothered too!

  2. I tried to fill in the questionnaire, but couldn't understand No. 17....the question is worded oddly.

    And I am 64 and the age range on the end didn't allow me to select the correct age range, even though profession allowed me to select 'Retired'

    So....what a waste of time that was!

  3. Done it but you should state you the age range you want to fill it in

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