
Marks on eyelids due to high cholesterol?

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i have high cholesterol and am on tablets from the doctor but i have marks on my eyelids caused by this, apart from surgery is there anything i can do to get rid of them?




  1. Xanthelasma (or xanthelasma palpebrarum) is a sharply demarcated yellowish collection of cholesterol underneath the skin, usually on or around the eyelids. Although not harmful or painful, these minor growths may be disfiguring and can be removed. The plural is "xanthelasmata". They are common in people of Asian origin and those from the Mediterranean region. Xanthelasmata can be removed with trichloroacetic acid peel, surgery, lasers or cryotherapy. Removal can cause scarring and pigment changes, but it is unusual after treatment with trichloroacetic acid. Because of the hereditary component, they may or may not indicate high blood levels of cholesterol. Where there is no family history of xanthelasmata they usually indicate high cholesterol and may correlate with a risk of atheromatous disease (cholesterol building up in arteries).

    Take steps to lower cholesterol..

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