
Marks on glass fish tank?

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Can anyone tell me how to get rid of a white film on my glass fish tank? It goes away when I clean it but them comes right back once the Windex dries. I have tried using vinegar and goo be gone stuff but nothing works. There is no film and the stain is smooth. It is on the outside of the tank and is large enough to take away from looking at the fish. Any help at all would be appreciated.




  1. I think I know what you're talking about - this can start out looking like water spots (where water evaporated when it dropped down the side of your tank) but when you clean with a sponge or paper towel, it smears and is sort of greasy in texture.

    I got a thumbs down the last time I mentioned what I did, but I think if you'll try this, you'll find it works.  Instead of the paper towel/sponge, use a piece of old newspaper.  Lay it flat (you can fold it to double or triple the thickness, but don't ball it uo, keep the sheet against the glass flat) and spray the Windex onto the newspaper, then clean the glass (never spray the glass directly or anywhere near the tank - you don't want the Windex getting into the water).  And you want to be certain that there's no grit/dirt on the front, because you don't want to scratch the glass).

    I only thought of trying this when I couldn't get the glass clean any other way.  I remember hearing about using newspaper for cleaning car windows and tried it and was pleased with the results.

  2. try use a blade or n e thing with a flat end and scrape it off if it dont work try using CLR cleaner. be sure that the CLR dont touch the water in the fishtank

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