
Marriage Counseling for Active Duty military?

by Guest59989  |  earlier

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I just posted the question asking if I need professional help so if I do decide to seek counseling where can we go to that is free..? Is there a place on base that we can go to... We are stationed at McChord AFB,WA.... Thanks for any advice....




  1. Great answers above with sending you to the Chaplain and Family Readiness groups.  

    The only other thing I recommend is

    This website offers great help, and free counseling to military families.

    Good luck!

  2. Yes, tri-care will pay for marriage counseling for free.

    My husband and i went to counseling for 8 months and tri-care paid for it it once a week.

    I am not sure as to who you should go and ask this where you located. I only know where to ask on Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base. But contact Tri-care and ask.

    Good luck

  3. McChord should have a family service center or family advocacy program where you could check for counselors.  We have used them at Davis Monthan AFB in AZ and Subase New London in CT and found their counselors both professional and helpful.  But check with friends at McChord.  The only time the counselors are supposed to give information to the command is when there is imediate danger of injury or abuse.  But there are a few bases where I'd be hesitant to go on base for help because of the horror stories.

    Tricare also covers self referral for up to 8 (I believe) sessions with a therapist.  You can contact Tricare ( for providers in your region and for all the details.  The counselor can then refer you for more appointments if he thinks it's necessary.

    Another resource you can use is  If you call 1-800-342-9647 they can refer you to counselors in your area and help walk you through getting it covered.

  4. Aside from the Chaplin as others have recommended you can also check with the local military hospital. Most have a Social Work type of clinic that could provide help.  Help is out there though.

  5. Like all the other services they must have some form of family services and counseling available; you may have to do some leg work to locate the resources available to you, but they are there...

  6. The Chaplin's Office is one place I would start with.

  7. Definitely try the Chaplain first.  

  8. Here is the place to start :

    We have free counseling of all sorts on our navy base in San diego.

    Good luck :)

    * Just read your other question...

    I think the counseling will help a ton.

    What you are going through sounds very familiar to me in many ways.

    It isnt horrible to feel that sense of relief when your guy is deployed, it is totally normal when in the midst of such a toxic relationship.

    Go see the counselor by yourself first and then they will want to see your hubby, then both of you together.

    If nothing else, the counseling will help both of you to see things more clearly, and come to a decision about what is best for your family.

    Try to remain calm and do get out of the house to clear your head.

    Best wishes to you in this difficult time.

  9. Try the Chaplain. If he can't he will send you where you need to be.


      first six sessions free.

  11. Hi I live at Fort Lewis. I know in the Fort Lewis Ranger they are always advertising free family counseling for military. There is somewhere on post to do it.The Chaplain’s FLC offers marriage and family counseling for ID card holders. The FLC Chaplain is a trained counselor and may have civilian counselors working under his/her direction at the center. This service is free.The Family Life Center (FLC)

    Four Chaplains Memorial Chapel

    Building 9120


    this is for fort lewis if you dont want to go here then maybe you could contact your chaplin. but since we are only like 5 mins away you could go to either.

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