Ok, you may have read my other post. My wife wants out so she closed or joint account and put her money in a seperate account and i opened my own also. She is now still ut she said she asking me for money. She said i need to give her money for or boys scool cloths. I told her i would rather take them myself to by them school cloths but she said she already didand i should give her some money. I told her i still would like to take them myself so she got upset and said, ok than i guess we are on or own now..... I THOUGHT WE ALREADY WERE??
She is so controlling it is not funny. I did tell her that i need my balls back and that she is not going to control me anymore. I even had a nice cold beer that she was against. Its all about money. She knows that when we devorce, her 401k gets devided up 1/2 to me and she thinks not...... She makes 26hr and i make 16$hr........... we have two boys. She has controlled me so much that i can not even be a man around her but now she sees i am taken my control back and she is very upset.........
any ideas.. or suggestions ??