
Marriage drama? Plz help! I need advice too?

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i was married at the age of 13, but if you think that was bad it was to my uncle who i married. Before my teen years I was so close to my uncle, I even lived at his house for a year when me and my parents had a massive argument about my nose job that i got when i was 7.Me and my uncle began to get even closer and by the time i was 11 we were going on dates. (and he was 46) I thought it was fine at the time, but then when I was 12 i moved back in with my parents, but then they told me that they didn't want me seeing my uncle anymore becuase they thought it was wrong that i was dating him. The next month i got a text off of my uncle saying 'I miss you so much babe, why dont we meet tommorow at our favourite place (by that he ment maisys, it was were we first kissed) I have a suprise for you! xx' so i told my mum and dad I was meeting a few friends. When we met he had an odd look on his face and was figating alot, we went inside and he led me over to the jewlerry section and asked me which ring i liked best, i pointed to the cheapest one as i knew he was going to buy me it. I went off to look at the clothes and he came back with an amazing diamond ring (by this point I knew what was going on) I tried to make an exuse and say i needed the loo but he grabbed hold of my arm and got down on one knee, he proposed! I was scared and freaked out but i guessed that was how I was supposed to feel, I siad yes but only to get back at my parents ( I know it was horid but i was feeling mixed emotions). By the time i was 13 i was a wife...and my uncle was my husband. I felt soo ashamed of myself. I havn't spoken to my parents in 6 months and im still living with my uncle/husband, now i have had plenty of time to think about what i have done i Have to leave, i miss my parents alot and i need thier comfort. How do I break the news to my uncle? I know him and he would be devestated, and i just cant put myself thrrough with more pain, and i dont want to give the burden to my parents. What should i do?




  1. This has to be some sort of fictional story...i am finding it too hard believing this. Thirteen years old...what?

    Just simply tell your uncle your feelings and then do the walk, but try to establish a bond with your parents expressing your views. From there i am sure you can come out with an alternative and an approach that is best for you to next take.

  2. thanks for the story. read me another!

    please answer mine

  3. ok....first of all who in their right mind would give their 13 year old daughter permission to get married? this sounds like a bunch of c**p unless you had an arranged marriage in which case it would not be to your uncle as that would be INCEST!!

  4. lol that was pretty funny!!

  5. You should tell him on the Jerry Springer Show...

    Unless of course you can find something more constructive to do on your day off from school. Nose job at 7...nice touch ;)

  6. you are hilarious.

    you should tell more jokes.

  7. LMAO... some people have waaaaay too much free time :)

  8. Are you in the USA?  If so, then your marriage was not legal even with parental consent.  No state in the US have a marrying age less than 18 (15 with Parental Consent) unless you live in New Hampshire then you can marry at 13 WITH parental consent AND court permission.

    So, the only thing I can tell you is either you are lying or you do not know what Marriage means.  Because, my dear, whatever it is you are doing, if it is true, will get both your parents and your uncle in JAIL.  This is a serious matter.  Not something you can joke about in Yahoo Answers.  If you are serious, you need to get Child Services involved fast before you get everyone you love in big trouble.  You can go to your school's principal to get assistance on how to get hold of Child Services.

  9. Oh sure.  Married at 13?  And a nose job at 7?  

  10. where do you live? it's illeagal to marry at that age in most parts of the world...  i'm hoping this is a joke, but if it's not, you need to go back to your parents IMMEDIATELY and have them help you get a divorce!

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