
Marriage in Scotland.?

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I am British/New Zealander and my fiancé is New Zealander {with a few relatives in Scotland (cousins aunts and uncles with a maternal grandparent)}. We've decided on a rather low-key marriage with a couple of friends and relatives there but the thing is we've decided it would be rather nice to get married in Grena Green, Scotland. We don't want to live in the UK afterwards just get married and then go on our honeymoon around the UK and Europe then come back to New Zealand.

Will there be any complications and should he get a visa (what kind will he need, marriage visa doesn't seem to fit the category as they are mainly for people settling in the UK)? We will be in the UK for a maximum of two months.




  1. go to this page to read information on marriage in Scotland

    it contains all info's for a marriage ;

    if you need more help? come back , i will check back with you here.

    you may get married there,even if you are not there for more than 2 months

    but you must get the paper work started

    click on the address in the article ;

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