Although we have had some ups and downs in our marriage, nothing major but it isnt how i want it to be and i dont know if i can carry on. My husband says he loves me, wants to be with me etc but the words dont match the actions. I should point out the actions made me question him about wanting to be with me to which he said yes, it wasnt of his own bat!! He does suffer from depressive episodes and says he feels like he isnt completely stable mentally but not enough to be medicated or counselled which he would have to wait for months anyway. Its just that to the outside world he seems to be Mr Wonderful, all caring,tall strong patient, kind etc but behind closed doors he isnt a lot of the time. He recently told me he is happy with me and our kids but also feels he should be doing more and there should be more to life. He often looks like he is mad about something and often it seems like we irritate him for silly things. I feel like i am walking on eggshells. We dont have a brilliant social life but he says he is ok with that but he often seems bored. I feel like i need more reassurance from him but i cant ask him because he basically says 'Im here arent I' His mum or gran will ring or visit and he will be the perfect son/grandson to their face but then when he has put the phone down he will moan about the time they ring or how long they were talking for.
Then out of the blue after being so cold generally he will hug me, say i really love you and everything will be great.
I cant cope with this emotional rollercoaster. I veer from thinking at least i will have emotional stability if i get out but thinking of him being with someone else tears me apart. I just want him to be affectionate towards me generally, make me feel valid to his life and to stop being this jekyl and hyde character. Funny thing is no-one outside these four walls would believe any of this.