
Marriage over career ? Is relationship an opportunity?

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Marriage over career ? Is relationship an opportunity?




  1. Depends upon so many other things, your age, your past education, and the family you are in, but if you are financially sound, i think take care of marriage first.

  2. go for the career..

  3. Marriage is the most important thing .If you have ***  pleasure then career is ok other wise go for marriage.It becomes very hard with out any

    personnel  relationship.

  4. Depends on teh relationship, career over a relationship period, marriage only comes when you're dating or in a relationship, but before such things you normally need a career.  

    Opportunities in a relationship towards your career is most likely support, money, and motivation.  Say you had a child, a significant other can be more substantial to your needs as you pursue your career.  If they had money to share it helps pay off loans and what not.  Being by yourself is nice but sometimes that motivating friend and lover can help take away stress, or push you to keep going when you feel you  need to quit.

    Of course the downside is if you get into a bad relationship, then the effects turn completely around and could ruin you.  Which as a single person you'll jus be more likely to take more breaks than you should, AND/OR just have a slight difficult time financially.  Overall being single is better in pursuing a career.  Then a relationship later, as you're more prepared to date and can bounce back if your dating or relationships become the wrong ones.

  5. I have currently found myself at the same dilemma. With a good relationship however, you should never have to choose. If the relationship is meant to be, then it will happen after you are set in your career choice.  

  6. Marriage is an opportunity but I would go for the career.

  7. A career is better than marriage because if your marriage goes wrong you can support yourself and your kids.

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