
Marriage stops period pains...explain plz..?

by  |  earlier

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i have really bad period pains the sam happened to my cousin.she married and now she has none of them.plz explain it...




  1. The thing is, is that I believe that having s*x can help to loosen things up and thus help relieve a bit of the pain. I don't recommend having s*x unless married and definitely not for the sole reason of lessening period cramps and pains. I'm married and yes being married and having s*x helps a bit but I still have the normal cramps and pains, just a little less so than before.

  2. I've been married more than once.  It sure didn't work for me.

  3. Umm, maybe she's happy? Idk

  4. I have no idea.... a weird co-incedence maybe.  I'm recently married and my period pains haven't stopped.  Or, maybe now that she's married and having s*x she decided to go on birth control.  Birth control is really the only thing I know that stops period pain.

  5. Marriage has nothing to do with period pains. Maybe she is on birth control pills? They usually help/ease cramps.  

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