
Marriage strike?

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How many guys plan on avoiding marriage?

And is it cause for concern?,2933,9441...




  1. In case its escaped your notice, the majority of divorces are initiated by women.  Chances are high that your bad attitude would make you into yet another statistic.

    So do the world a favour, and strike.

    *50% of marriages don't end in divorce.  Teenagers who marry stand a much higher than 50% chance of divorcing.  As the 'kids' age, the divorce rate drops; people whose first marriage is when they are in their 30's and beyond almost never divorce.  That's because the latter are grown-ups, and the former are clueless kids with precious little life experience.  I strongly suspect that the majority of unions where the partners are aged under 26 end in divorce.  Its just too young to be taking such a huge step, and they're still too dumb to know the difference.

    *The problem is when people become 'jaded' in relationships* it is because they didn't learn from them,  They blamed the other person for everything, and are blissfully unaware as to their contribution to the marriage that doomed it,  These people don't move on; they are doomed to repeat the same dysfunctional behaviors over and over and over again.  They keep acting the same way, and expect a different outcome.  This is how crazy people think.

    There are a lot of maturity levels that a person goes through in their twenties.  When you turn 30 and you look back, you realise how little you knew - about anything - when you were 20.  Then you turn 40, and you know even more, then you turn 50... and on and on it goes.  Plus, as you get older you are far, FAR willing to "settle".  To h**l with that, I'll stay alone if that's the case.

    The older you get, the more comfortable you become in your own skin.  You tend NOT to want to put up with BS - its a drain on one's energy and a time-waster.  What do you get out of the deal when a marriage is about trying to fool themselves - and their partner - about who they are and what they want... and they aren't even sure what that it!  That's why when people wait until their thirties - and even later -  to marry, those marriages last.  People know who they are, and what they want in a marriage.  They have chosen their partner very carefully, and everything is discussed beforehand.  A strategy for LIFE.  A game plan.  This isn't about hormones, its about a lifetime partnership.  A lot of work needs to be done before you - or anyone - can get to such a place.  The right "place", with the right match, at the right time, for all the right reasons.  

    Only then can a marriage be a partnership.  A real one, without immature jealousy issues (she earns more egad the sky is falling).  That sort of stuff you see only in young dysfunctional marriages already doomed to failure.   The wife grew up, and the husband - didn't.

  2. I don't see why it would matter.  Is there really a difference between being married and just living together forever?  Well, besides for tax purposes :D

    BTW, 2 out of 3 of your links don't work because of the stupid ... thing that happens.

  3. Let me formally apologise to the g**s here and now, sorry mate, we WILL think again. So sorry!!!

    Now as for the marriage thing, there is a Gender war raging it is believed that there will be a flash-over point in the very near future, and that’s all that matters!!!

    Be a strong man and don’t worry about the rest

  4. the only thing i have agaisnt marrige the the whole faithfullness issue. i went crazy enough worrying about past girlfriends. so if someone i trully love was messing around id never marry again.

  5. LOL!  I totally understand the idea of men refusing to marry. In today's world the divorce laws are totally out of tune with reality e.g. women have the same earning potential as men, but men get fleeced in divorce, and many women are incapable of being a good mother yet they have preference in custody cases.

    Any man who gets married these days really entering dangerous water.

    Its also true that women don't need a husband these days; apart from the man's sperm the state will take care of everything. No wonder women are staying single for longer and longer

  6. Anti-g*y heterosexuals won't allow me to marry the person I love.  Although we're supposed to be living in a "free" country where "all men are created equal" I'm denied my civil rights based on their religious prejudices. These same heterosexuals can go to Vegas and marry in a drive-thru window after knowing each other 10 minutes, but I can't marry the man I've loved and cherished for 30 years.  So, for this man, the answer is not that I'm avoiding marriage, it's that some heterosexuals think they should have the special right to marry based on their sexual practices and I'm excluded from marrying by them.

    If heterosexual men are avoiding marriage, then why are g*y people being blamed for destroying the sanctity of marriage?  You guys have done a great job of doing that on your own!

  7. I do - but I'm a female so does this count?

    I agree - It's pretty much always women who 'suggest' marriage and then pressure their men to 'ask' them.... I think it's sad!

    I don't see what difference marriage would make to mine and my man's relationship.... I'm not so arrogant as to believe that we would not be one of the statistics.... We are in love and very committed, but it's arrogant to assume we will most certainly be that way for the next 50 years or so.

    Marriage is for chicks who want to show off and get presents.

  8. It seems a lot of people in the UK are avoiding marriage. They are under the false pretence that you suddenly become boring and tied down.

  9. No, it's not cause for concern. I have yet to see one woman who is afraid of the consequences of this. After all, women have been silently revolting against marriage for years.

  10. It is starting to become popular in the US. A few of my guy friends are talking about it.

  11. Honey it's not only men who are avoiding it.

    I am in NO rush at all to get married until i'm ready and it is right.

  12. I guess guys from broken families who saw what happend to daddy.
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