
Married 11 years to a dutch man. Our two sons are dutch since birth. Can I have the dutch nationality?

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Married 11 years to a dutch man. Our two sons are dutch since birth. Can I have the dutch nationality?




  1. It doesn't matter that your children are Dutch.

    If you live in the Netherlands or one of its possessions, then you may apply for Dutch citizenship after 3 years of marriage.

    If you live outside of the Netherlands, then you should read this instead:

    Read this:

    See page 4 in particular.

    My Dutch isn't very fresh but I believe it says you may apply for Dutch citizenship after 3 years of marriage just as stated above even if you do not live in the Netherlands.

  2. Where do you live? If not in the Netherlands, the Dutch Antilles or Aruba I think you are out of luck. Most countries have some sort of residency requirement.

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