
Married / Maiden name puns?

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I sometimes need false names for examples. If the moon is full, I will sometimes use Paige Turner and Don Brakes, as in

"If Paige Turner married Don Brakes, she would become Paige Brakes."

Note that all three names are puns. Are there any other names of the form woman's maiden name, man's name, woman's married name, where all three names would be puns?


If you are reading this before your first cup of coffee,

Paige Turner = slang term for a fast-paced book

Don Brakes = Sunrise

Paige Brakes = Command or character for new pages in Word and other word processors




  1. If Clarissa Belle married Herrin Tortess, she would become Clarissa Tortess.

    If Mary Mee married Yuan Hymn, she would become Mary Hymn.

    If Mini Cooper married Poppin Mumm, she would become Mini Mumm.

    If Maxi Can married Bachelor Pad, she would become Maxi Pad.

    If Phyllis Zupp married Frank N. Stein, she would become Phyllis Stein.

    If Ima Nutt married Clene Axed Issue, she would become Ima Issue.

    If Helen Ahanbaskette married Frontin Backe, she would become Helen Backe.

  2. Ted, you've been on the computer WAAAYYYY too long!

    There SHOULD be a law, however, about giving children Horrible Names.

    An acquaintance told me that one of his buddies in the music business, surnamed Legg, had a girlchild.  

         Saddled the poor thing with "Ophelia Mya".  

         No, I'm not kidding; by report, she had to show her driver's license to a disbelieving college registrar.  

  3. ~~LOL~~Man you really HAVE to get out of the house~~

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