
Married People; Did you get married out of "true love" or did you settle?

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-True Love-

Are you still with them? If not, why did it end?


Why did you settle? How long has/did it last(ed)?




  1. I married my husband because I can't even begin to imagine a life he's not part of, and because I love him completely. I am still with him after four and a half years.

  2. True Love.  We celebrated our 23rd anniversary last Sunday, one week ago today -- 23 years ago today, we were returning from our honeymoon.  Wow... it feels like yesterday.  Time really does fly when you're having fun!

  3. Marriage is all about giving your word to one person. If you don't think you can commit to just one person, then dont give ur word in the first place. Marriage is a pledge, a promise, and your word of surety to another person, whether you "settled," or married someone you love, you gave them ur word, and the success of ur marriage will depend on how good you are on ur making good on ur words.

  4. i SETTLED...

    oh how i hate to admit that S**t... but i have three great kids out of it... i'm glad i settled for that.. it lasted 10 years and i hated 8 of it.. I settled cuz my LOVE of my life gave me an ultimatum japan and marriage or not be together.. but at 18 and off to college that wasn't an option.. so i married my REBOUND

  5. True love, and yes we're still together & happy. It isn't always easy, but I couldn't imagine being married to someone who I didn't love.

  6. I married for true love. We will be together 42 yrs next month. My grandpa once told me, "Don't marry someone you can live with. Marry someone you can't live without." If you "settle," you are just marrying someone you can live with.  

  7. You should never settle for anything less than true love. It is out there and you can have it. It isn't always easy. There will be really hard times and really good times. If you always remember that you are in the marriage together against all the problems you may face, you will make it. I have been married for almost 15 years and my wife is really my best friend. I cannot imagine being without her. You have to find that right person and never settle, You will know, trust me. Good luck.  

  8. I settled because I didn't want to be lonely.  He cure my loneliness for 11 years.  But the truth eventually surfaces and we have come to the conclusion that the marriage must end.  Going to be divorced by probably November.

    My words of wisdom to you:

    It is best to be alone and have lots of friends and family than to marry to cure loneliness or to marry for money.  Marry only for love and nothing else.

  9. I settled with my now ex. We were together 15 years and married for 11. I felt I was getting old and wanted to have children. I tolerated a lot of c**p for a long time. It ended up getting violent ( he was an abuser). I am now married to a wonderful man that I wish I would have met 20 years ago...  

  10. settled the first time , reasons mean nothing , next time it is going to take love, understanding, Patience, and communication , and never leaving your values.  

  11. Out of true love, We're still married.

  12. 10 years ago I settled - I thought it was love, but now am realizing he isn't the greatest love of my life.  I settled when the greatest love of my life didn't want me anymore.  

    I still secretly yearn for the other guy - he is what rocked my world.

    I settled yes - but I have 2 great kids and am still married and trying to make it work.    

  13. I married for true love. I would never settle. I am still married, but I am sadly separated. I hope it works out, because I love that man.

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