
Married and Divorced?

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why don't married people stay married like they use to




  1. Children are no longer raised with a sense of commitment. If you don't like something then throw it away. If it doesn't make you happy then buy a new one.

  2. Probably because they don't believe in the same value of marriage as people use to. They think it if doesn't work out then they can just get a divorce and cut their losses. No one thinks of it as committing your LIFE to someone anymore. It's more of committing till the fun is over and then moving on. It's a shame people don't believe in marriage like they use to:(

  3. Because women hit the work place in 60s and 70s.

    Check the link out...

  4. the divorce has become more socially acceptable; divorcees are no longer shunned or shamed and so i think that today, people see life after divorce.

  5. I think some people still do.  I believe the problem is that people get married and think everything is going to be perfect.  Marriage is work and when people work hard they get the rewards of a healthy marriage.

  6. Because divorce is an easy option and women are not trapped like they once were. They are not only very independent but the court system has changed and husbands are required to help out a lot more than in the past. It's just an option that many used to not have. It's also that young people today have very little concept of until death do us part. They are used to quick fixes.  

  7. We are a culture into instant gratification.  The media convinces us every day to be unsatisfied with who we are and what we are doing, because feeling down and bored and unsatisfied makes us go out and spend lots of money.  The moment a marriage turns boring, people look elsewhere.  

  8. I think it's because women aren't as willing to live unhappy and don't have to anymore.  Now, women get child support etc. when they seperate and before they had no choice to stay because they couldn't afford to leave.  I don't think that marriage are any less successful than before because I wouldn't call an unhappy marriage successful.  I believe most people stayed in unhappy marriages and lived miserable lives because that all they could afford to do and it was socially unacceptable to divorce.

  9. in today's time divorce has run so ramped that its become the norm. people don't know how to commit, most didn't see their parents do it, so in turn they don't.

  10. Because divorce is so easy now a days. Many young people don't have the feeling of "commitment". That simple

  11. Marriages these days are disposable.

    With all the pre nup agreements and Vegas style weddings, what do you expect?

    When it becomes too much work, people just bail out.

    We are a very spoiled nation that is consumed by our own selfish needs and indulgence.

    Marriage is a ton of work and committment on both parts of the couple, and that is just too much to ask for millions of people.

  12. why,time sometime change peoples,and they fall out of love sometime and sometime thing go wrong in the marriage,but it's up to you you can make your marriage to be what ever you want it to be

  13. Because divorce is so easy. They don't want to stick it out or never wanted to be married in the first place.
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