
Married but going to lunch with the opposite s*x; yes or no?

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What do you all think? Would you be ok with your husband or wife going to lunch with a co-worker (not on business) or a friend of the opposite just to have lunch? Would there be any reason to be suspicious?




  1. You would have to be stupid to go on lunch with another guy. Would you like it if your husband went to lunch with a fine woman. NO!! and you girls on here need to pipe down with all that bs about thats your right. this is exactly why we cheat on yall

  2. I would say that it sounds kinda suspicious but I'm not sure I'm sore of cynical and I just think that everyone I don't really know that well is out to get me. I wouldn't let my wife go to lunch with some dude she knows from work. Neither would she even try to do this because it is not right. Maybe on strictly business, but I wouldn't tell them this just let them say it if they already said its not business then no way.

  3. wont fly with me!!!! Ide tell  him to FU*K OFF!!!!

    I would have dumped him fast!!!!!!!!!!! no mother fkr would get the pleasure of being with me....and lunching w any bit*h!!!! Men r dogs naturally! some very few are OK but still! inside they r all horny fks!  

  4. yes there would that would be suspicious because when i did that my husband divorced me and now i am pregnant alone with my husbands baby and no one is with me.  ummmmm, ok, well, just dont do it, i just really regret doing that so just dont do that.  

  5. It is not a good thing to do. Even if it starts off innocent it could lead to big trouble. If it is at work, eat with a group not one on one.

    If it is on free time, you don't need opposite s*x friends one on one. That is what you gave up when you got married. It will cause much marital distress if you or hubby have such lunches.

  6. I let my wife go out to lunch with a friend of ours. Now if I seriously suspected something and was a bit uncomfortable with it, I'd let her know and she'd stop. She's never done it behind my back.

    Normally I go with them. But there were occasions when I couldn't make it due to work.

    In this case there is NO reason for me to be suspicious. Now if it's some dude I don't know and she is going out to lunch with him, I may start to wonder, but I know my wife and I know that she only has eyes for me.  

  7. I don't think there would be a problem with that at all.

    It depends on whether you have a good relationship.

    My boyfriend and I trust eachother 100%  We go out together all the time and I don't care who he talks to and vice-versa.

    And we also have our own lives... we just know that we would never compromise out relationship by getting involved with a third party.

    As far as I am concerned it all comes down to trust and understanding eachother.

  8. You cannot go out on lunch dates with the opposite s*x if you are married.  

    It's ok if you go with a group of the company, but not on lonely lunch sweet meal dates.  

    Once married = Game Over !  

  9. No not at all she trust me i go to lunch with my misstress monday - friday wwhat your spouse doesn't catch you doing can't hurt them be very discreet is my best advice because it don't matter if you think it's just lunch or not the man you are out to lunch with you is expecting you to be dessert

  10. it's just not appropriate.....I wouldn't necessarily jump to conclusions but it is just the first step in crossing the line, everyone always thinks they are stronger than "temptation" and then they can claim, "but I never meant for that to happnen"  If you really don't want it to happen, don't even start down that path, as innocent as it may be at first.

  11. I guess if they told their spouse who they where going with, when, and why.  And they why couldn't they just bring their husband/wife along?

  12. I do not care who she eats with.  Marriage is about trust, and if you do not trust them to eat lunch with someone of the opposite s*x, then you have issues in your marriage.  

  13. If you think it's suspicious, then it is.

    A couple in a mature, normal, healthy relationship wouldn't even question it.

  14. No  i wouldn't have a problem with it but i might check his boxers for dried s***n when i washed them but i guess that really wouldn't prove anything cause he could have whackoff on the way home yeah right!!

  15. it would make me suspicious if it was happening a lot, but it could be alright if it was once in a while,and i would want to know if my husband was going to do it, and would tell him if i was to go out with a friend too.  that is also something you need to discuss with your partner/spouse. ask him/her the same question you asked us, and if they would get suspicious than yes, you should be. if they would be cool with it, then try to go out as often as they do.

    good luck!

  16. As long as I had let my husband know ahead of time or immediately afterwards there would be no problem... only if I were to hide it for some reason would it then be suspicious and not kosher in any way shape or form.

  17. I go to lunch at least once a week with my best friend that happens to be a guy and out to lunch with male co-workers occasionally.  There isn't in issue about it in my relationship bc we trust each other.  I think it's all up to the individuals in the relationship though.  Both me and my partner have a lot of opposite s*x friends and wouldn't want to deny each other friendships that we previously established so it works for us.

  18. If it's not on business, then I would say no.  That would be suspicious.  However, if it's a business lunch then it's acceptable.  

  19. I am fine with it.  Occasionally my husband goes to lunch with his co-workers who are female.  I trust him.

  20. When you are in a real relationship there is this thing called trust.  I would have no problem with my man lunching with a female friend.  We are all entitled to have friends male and female and I will NOT put a harness on my man for fear of him cheating.  I trust him and he trusts me PERIOD

  21. I go to lunch with a friend of mine of the opposite s*x every friday.  My fiance knows about it and doesn't care.  He knows him as well, and knows there is nothing going on there.  It's about trust.  If you can't trust your partner, you would be upset by it.  If you feel your partner would be upset, you shouldn't do it.  There is a difference between going to lunch with a friend and going on a date.

  22. If they are going alone and not as a group of employees it could lead to trouble unless, of course, it is business.

    Also, it depends on the business. Like if a male realtor is showing a lady client property and it happens to be lunch time, he should buy her a quick lunch and keep on showing properties - but it should not be a place that resembles in any manner a date and discussion should be limited to business and non-personal items.

    Perhaps, you should start packing his lunch. Or, join them for lunch. Surprise him and show up to take him out to lunch - just the two of you. You may get a chance to meet her and see if you think she's a threat.  Also, be soooo charming to her that she think he has such a great wife that she couldn't possibly compete!

    He must love home more than any other place!

    Joy to you.


  24. I wouldn't unless they're a part of the group or the dude is g*y. But going alone on a 'lunch date' is trouble in the long run.

    Otherwise I'll start dating too.

  25. Oh h**l no! The only people of the opposite s*x she's going to lunch with on NON business is me, our son, her father, her brothers or cousins. Anyone else and there's some papers she needs to sign before she leaves the house (for the last time).

    The ONLY exception is if I'm present.

  26. I guess it would depend on how they act around each other, how often and for how long.  You can not lock up a partner that wants to stray, but you can pay attention and figure out what they need to stay.

  27. If you can tell your husband that you go to lunch sometimes with a male co-worker and don't feel bad about it and it really is innocent, than it could be ok.  But what matters most is how he feels about it.

  28. I am happily married for 5 years and I go to lunch with friends of the opposite s*x. My husband has no issues with it. We have a very open, trusting relationship.  

  29. The only person I would go out to lunch with of the opposite s*x is my husband. No friend is worth causing any type of problems in my marriage.  

  30. I personally would think it rather dodgy and wouldn't feel right going to lunch with a male co-worker. And I know my husband wouldn't like it either.

    Quite another thing would be going to lunch with a male friend. Then I might certainly do it on my own without causing suspicion, but even then I would much rather my husband come with. The more the merrier, and less initmate so as to not cause misconceptions.

  31. I would not be comfortable with that and I know my husband would not, either...

    Like today - a good friend, who was a male coworker/friend of 6 years, asked me out to lunch. So, I called my husband and we all met up and had lunch.

    I would never want to create doubt in my husband's mind or give another man possible hope that I am hunting for more than friendship.

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