
Married couples, tell me the story of how you met your spouse?

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Married couples, tell me the story of how you met your spouse?




  1. Many moons ago when there were paperboys, my husband delivered the paper to our house. He would write me notes and hide them in the papers hoping I would be the one to find them !!!  Oh, we lived on the same street.

  2. Nothing spectacular- we met at work.

  3. I had just gotten over a really bad staph infection that kept me in the hospital for awhile, and because of medical expenses I couldn't afford to live on my own anymore.  So I moved in with a roommate.  We met 3 days after I moved in with my roommate, and ended up being "friends with benefits" because neither of us felt like we were ready for a relationship.  As time went on, we became closer and closer, and a few months later we moved in together.  We just got married 3 weeks ago.

  4. We met through the online personals. I was on a 2-month vacation visiting my family in another country, and he contacted me through a personals site I had my ad on. So we started writing each other really long e-mails while I was away, and when I came back we met in person. On our first date, he took me to the IMAX theatre, but being that he knows people who work there we got to go in through the back door and got to see the IMAX projector and got the tour of the facilities before seeing the movie. It was fun and unexpected - not your typical "dinner and a movie" date. We moved in together 3 months later, and got married in less than a year and a half. Our 2nd anniversary is coming up this month.

  5. In middle school I hated him more than anyone else I knew. I was dating his cousin and (long...long story short) we (my husband and I) were forced to spend the day together while his cousin (my boyfriend at the time) was at football practice. I ended up breaking up with his cousin for him, and we were high school sweat hearts. We got married 1 month after he graduated. (I graduated 1 year before him. He was 18 and I was 19 when we got married.) And we are still as much in love as we were in high school and wouldn't change anything!

  6. I met my spouse in High school. Have been high school sweethearts since then. After 10 years and 3 kids, I can say I'm happily married =)  

  7. at church--but am divorced ! When you go to church focus on the main thing do not get side tracked.  

  8. I met my husband in China. But the most amazing of that is that I'm Spanish and he's American.

  9. Over the internet ( Well, he's not my spouse yet, but he will be!!! I always thought starting a relationship over the internet was so unromantic, but when I met him in person, he swept me off my feet and I have never been more in love!

  10. Looking for a certain home in a mobile park I asked him where it was he pointed it out to me.  My friend was not home I met him again coming back through.  We had a casual relationship and things went from there....

  11. We met at a charity event three years ago and my dad introduced us. And we became the best of friends for the first three years.

    Now were happily married for four months.

  12. We worked for the same company, she was in the office on the otherside with the President and I have on the field side, as I was in the field all the time. She took her lunches in my office because I had photo's all over my wall of the Moutains that I backpacked in or hunted in and in some cases where she backpacked in. She thought ti was peaceful in my office and I haven't even met here yet. It was a few months later that we met when i came out of the field unexpectedly and she was sitting there, embarrassed. Form that moment on we hit it off and started dating adn finaly marriage. A little more to it than that but tht's the short version!

  13. We were set by a couple.  They invited us over to dinner at their townhouse.  They knew my wife and each of them picked a different guy to set her up with someone.  I won.

  14. I was learning Russian at my local College and when the course ended the teacher suggested we continue our lessons with a young Russian woman he knew. After many meetings I plucked up courage and asked her the ballet. At the end of the performance she revealed that she had been a professional ballerina with the Kirov Ballet !

  15. i met my husband at the airport . i was coming on vacation to visit my sister from France . i though it was for the best cause i just had a really bad break up . i was picking my luggages up  when i knocked him with them while i was going to turn . he was going to get coffee for my sis ( i found out later ). so i saw my sis in the crowd  and walked towards her and next i know this guy is walking towards us " i was thinking' is he coming to talk to me?' but no he was there with my sister to pick me up . they are best friend . it was in December , i had a light jacket on cause i had no idea MN would be so cold . he gave me the coat he had on . the perfume killed me at first ,  during the whole way back home he was driving i was looking at his ears from the backseat . thinking, ooh , hunh . maybe this is what i really need now. the next day my sister got stucked at work and she suggested we should go to dinner without her  since i was so bored at home . that was it . we have never been apart ever since . needless to say i didnt return to France . we have been together for 7 years now , dated for 2 and married for 5 . we have a sweet daughter and one more on the way . i kissed that day we went to dinner . i couldn t resist his perfume and all of him . i just went ahead and kiss him .  i didnt really care what he was going to think of me

    PS i though he had the most beautiful scarf i have ever seen . it was green.  he later confessed he knew he would ask me out from the day we met , and that the reason why  he took longer to come back with coffee  was cause he was looking for that girl that knocked him with her luggages

  16. NO !

  17. My husband and i met when him and his family moved across the street from me and my family...He was 25 and i was 21 at the time and we started dating march 1990 and got married 10 months later on january 19,1991 when he was 26 and i was 22.

    We moved in together 3 months before we got married.

  18. We met through a personals ad in the newspaper (this was just before the Internet took off). She answered my ad, but she had also run ads of her own. We didn't meet in person until Feb. 16th, and she's never let me forget that I saw another woman on Valentine's Day! :)

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